As some wise person observed (probably in the context of Obamacare, though memory does not quite serve) they’re only pro-life until you’re born.
As some wise person observed (probably in the context of Obamacare, though memory does not quite serve) they’re only pro-life until you’re born.
White fragility is a real thing. What a snowflake asshole. Hope he rots.
Either sick or French. Of course, some would say there is no difference.
I was shook for a few hours, not gunna lie.
It really was horrifying to watch live. I can't imagine what it was like for his family. I'm so glad he made it out alive
As someone who was watching live when he had his crash at Bahrain, this fills me with genuine joy. Good for him.
Only people with zero class buy the G-Class
Fuck these obnoxious assholemobiles and all the fuckwaffles buying them.
Bill’s reasoning is sound, and yet, personally, I would never hit a woman. Sure, I’m sexist. Sure, I’m a chauvinist dinosaur. But my Nana will rise up out of her grave and hand me my ass if I ever break that rule. It’s just easier to walk away.
I don’t think he hit her though, he definitely spat back which was funny and then she went off. Nah Women need to control themselves just as much as men. Wanna pick a fight with someone, you better actually know how to throw down. Men are not your dam punching bags.
“This entire fiasco is due to a ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline by the hacking group DarkSide...”
i see two pieces of excrement in that video. she’s obviously a super cunt. him though, even when provoked you can’t hit a woman. them’s the rules. everyone knows them.
I fixed the headline for you.
Probably bought by a techbro whose mom drove them to school in one back in the day, while drinking and telling them they were a constant disappointment whose birth ruined them physically and only Jose the garden boy could satisfy her sexually afterwards. They’ll buy it at an overpriced amount, and spend every day…
Jalopnik Law 504: Never buy* another man’s project.
*For purposes of this section, the term “buy” shall mean to pay “real money”.
The term “real money” shall be defined as any amount over $1,000.
Notwithstanding the above, this statute shall under no circumstances forbid the buying, as that term is defined in this…
Did you read Goobin’s list? Those are real things. Tens of millions have died in America’s failed, futile attempts to remake the world in our (terrible) image. For many people in the world, the sight of the Stars and Stripes fill them with as much dread as the swastika or the hammer and sickle did previous generations.
Kind of reminds me of the final scene in The Grapes Of Wrath. All we have is each other and the hope that kindness will win over selfishness. It warms my heart to see that even in this cold, sterile world the flame of humanity still burns though it gutters low.
You’re right, the US is cool and good so long as we ignore:
It absolutely fucking shameful how we fail to care for our own people.
This country relies on the big-hearted nature of the citizenry to make up for the greedy fucking assholes that have bought our government.
Yes, this story is wonderful and indicative of the inherent good in so many sub-cultures. Yes, this story is also an absolute indictment of the country’s complete lack of anything…