Argentine jalop in Central America

Will be a pimped-up HR-V.

Once again, this site needs you on the payroll. Great piece, Shane, now I want a Cutlass too.

True story. Back in the ‘80s we went on holidays to the lake near my city. Dad drove his ‘82 Taunus GT SP coupé, so this was likely january ‘83.

Nah, a short walk, barefoot on the pebbles is a glorious thing. For the rest of it, there’s enough room inside the Ambassador.

I fully understand the genuine wisdom of blue shirt dude, but his wallet... that was the point when you broke my heart.

Whoever wears a short sleeve shirt AND a tie, deserves to drive a Fairmont till eternity. Ho detto.

I’m worried now. Need a drink?

Nah, this is a car for Skinny Pete. Not even Jesse Pinkman would allow himself to be seen in this.

Dude, what if he agrees? You end up driving THAT!

A supreme example of bad taste. Coupled with rather mediocre mechanicals and a stupid high price. Easy ND.

Just Florida man coming back home. Nothing to see here, folks...

Blond lady says “I’ll take this kid if you make me a discount”. White shorts guy is all “babe, we can make some”.

Ok, the CrossFox (my brother had one), the rest, I just don’t know. I can barely remember Mazdas, because they are like 3 sizes of Mazda3 on heels. But they are only 3. The electric one is different enough to tell it apart.

One thing about Virgil Exner: you never go full Exner.

Your dad, Sir, was a fucking hero. Respect!

Dude, I almost spit my coffee. Thank you for the image.

You don’t want to know. Really.

Trust me, in Serbia, they will.

Hey, Budapest is weird, but not THAT weird! (I lived in, and love BP)

You killed me with the last sentence...