Argentine jalop in Central America

Do you fear she will go full Tracy and start hoarding Lancers?

Still one of the better looking mid-size sedans for sale on the (somehow) US market. What a world to be living on...

Only with an “N”. Sorry.

Hilarity ensues.

“...if a racoon hits you.” FIFY

Does it come with a Wankel?

British sense of humour at its finest.

I hate them. Make with that what you will.

Until it falls over. See Jorge Milian’s insight.

Oh, then hilarity would ensue...

Now playing

Oh, and the opposite is also perfectly true. Technically correct definition of engine swap? Motor swingers? Who knows...

Not suitable for Argentine military gear...

Uhh, are you me?

Eh, most of Irish I came across during my internship in Dublin were the kindest people ever. Even drunk people were super nice. They have Guiness and Beamish (partial to the later) and awesome bars.

I get nervous EVERY TIME I see a video with a bunch of white kids from a Catholic school.

Oh, the delays...

Dude can probably can heel n’ toe with his nads. Powerful nads.

Folks over at the UK found that Brexillation has a similar effect: they found unexpected creases on seemingly flat surfaces, and a not-so-gentle bulge they were not aware of...

There you have. On one hand, an expensive, plasticky brick sold as a toy for grown-ups looking for attention. On the other, just some Legos.