Argentine jalop in Central America

I like scalawags. Scalawags are good.

Uhh, Seb, is that you?

One thing about Peter Dumbrek: you never go full Peter Dumbrek.

I won’t say a word. If I speak my mind I will be accused of fat-shaming.

Guess who’s gonna have a lot of sex soon...

Actually, it was built by Chrysler Fevre from the early ‘70s and sold as Dodge 1500. It had a 1.8 liter version, so it was the Dodge 1500 1800. By the end of the decade, VW bought the factory as Chrysler left the country, and the cars were sold as Dodge 1500 by Volkswagen. On the early ‘80s, they were renamed as VW

How much gas would I need to drive this thing to Argentina? Asking for a friend...

I also imagine lots of angry farmers. With a gun...

Meh, Russians found a more effective and cheaper way of destruying the US from within.

The movie was about, well, you know, people...

I sort of like them, they remind me of what a coupé version of the Peugeot 405 (my favorite sedan at the time) would be. Albeit, there’s something with that heavy-looking rear overhang that makes them look awkward.

No. The whole point of driving is not always to get from point A to point B. Sometimes you drive for the mere enjoyment of your physical interaction with a machine that results in motion of a certain quality. Without a manual you are just missing part of the interaction. You are not forced to like it, or even dominate

McLaren would like to hear about that.


Is it, uh..., pooping a Crown Vic?

Out of the greys, you, who is right.

Beer is expensive. Dont go there...

Another deeply punchable face. For quite the same reasons.

I’m a left-thinking person. I, too, want to punch this arsehole in the face. Badly, as well.

I find that trait ungainly as heck. But, to each his own.