Argentine jalop in Central America

Of which vehicle?

I’m a friggin’ weirdo when it comes to cars, and I find bycicles generally meh. So I’m biased. But I do find your empirical approach to fourwheelsdom utterly compelling.

Am I too lawyer if I admit that I can’t find any sense in this clusterfuck of whaddafaquery? I’m trying hard, I swear.

Well, he had it coming...

We need a Hungarian to show a longer word.

Now playing

Crazy stuff happens in the final lap. This is Nurburgring!

Yes, the Saubers nicolewised themselves, too.


Pastor, please come back. We forgive you...

Indeed! Thanks!

Am I doing this right?

I bow to your answer...

Oops. Sorry, man.

Grumpy cat is losing his job to Lewis.

Grow up.

All the stars for you, dude.

Came here to make mandatory Maldonado jokes. Saw that crazy mothafocka kept driving. Dropped jaw.

I stand corrected. Great job!

Torch, you got a star for the Renault 16 alone...

So, Hayden came into the turn too hot, right?