Argentine jalop in Central America

I can tell it needs a lightweight mid-engine platform, Sir.

Not without a previous session of enhanced interrogations, CIA style. Only without the tormentors having a beer, because Qatar.

It’s a Hella truck, ain’ it?

Like, you can store up to three Jimmy Hoffas there.

Yeah, the thing is: without Chavism his net worth will be grounded to the ground. As soon as political changes take place in Venezuela, goodbye petrodollars.

Uh, I see nothing wrong here.

Spider-Man. Fixing shit with his spiderwebs since 1962. Fuck timing belts.

Does it include a Crashtor Maldonaderp?

Hilarity will ensue.

So, you start with this:

Dog is the seller, yo!

“needs some TLC”


“Dad? Is that you?”

I also add: they were the kind of people who ran to take a selfie with whatever Lambo they saw on the street.

I was offered to join part of our crew when celebrating our graduation in Budapest. The IBLs, as classy as a bunch of Russians can be, rented one to make a flashy entrance to our graduation party.

Oh, my... As much as I like that gen of Town Cars, that limo is just as cheesy as a golden chain arising from your hawaiian shirt open up to the fourth button.

Lancia Lambda. Pioneering unibody construction, independent front suspension and a SOHC narrow angle V4 for your daily driver since 1922.

So, what happened to the little voice in the Manta? Also, are the Gurneyites related to Dan Gurney?

A MILF Star-mobile, indeed. But I too, fail to see what “thinking” has to do with it all.