Argentine jalop in Central America

Uh, most atheists I know are really smart and educated people. Cops, on the other hand, tend to bear religious stuff all around. And be the kind of people that would ride the hood of a car. They frequently shoot each other by accident, and then they go to church. Police stations are full of crosses, too.

Uh, wasn't that the reason why pro drivers drive a complete lap or two in zigzags before a race? And why they drive slower after tire-changing for at least half a lap?

That is a fair explanation to me. A honorable one, at that.

Don't forget Muslims. Or Mexicans. They always come in handy to justify one's fuck ups.

Fuck has been upped (by me)

Never drove a car with traction control. Granted, I mostly drove econoboxes and a cheap underpowered wanna-be-SUV which is an old (European) Fusion with bigger wheels.

Rear hatch you said? Check the Argentine 3CV (I was out of town, hence late reply).

If anyone will be around Calamuchita, in Córdoba (ARG), just drop by for an asado and some beer. Matt will be busy, I guess...

Looks like mom's. But her's was beige, if I remember correctly.

Yes, handbrake artisans!


This is why you don't do cheap drugs.

This is what Freddy Mercury should be driving if he was alive and broke.

Exactly, that's how you "up-yuppie" your yuppie Saab.

Wow. Just wow... it's that sick everywhere...

This one.

Came here to say the same...

Hey, welcome South! And check your license plates, just in case...

It is...

Conceded. But not all horrible persons make their livings (and derive their social prestige) out of preaching how to behave decently. Let alone more compelling moral issues.