Been there, done that. The hosing, I mean.
Been there, done that. The hosing, I mean.
Except if you are a little red Valiant...
You are a wise, noble man. May peace be upon you.
Miata is always the answer.
Uh, there´s something attached on the fender of that bug... A planet?
I get the idea of having some negative retribution to the sinner and to deploy a heavy-handed message to the general public so that anyone knows that you can´t do it. That´s all right. But you don´t need to destroy goods for that. That is anti-functional. Put a heavy fine to the owner, so you break the economic…
And I´d be applying for any job there. Any.
Did anyone filed a lawsuit and followed it to the US Supreme Court? I´m not sure if this would help, since judges tend to be as ignorant to the automotive world as they are to almost anything that goes further than their paycheck and their privileges. But it should be an option. Trying to remember my US ConLaw classes…
What do you think terrorism really is?
Again. Fuck punishment. Fuck the very sick and ostensibly wrong idea of punishment. There is no reason whatsoever in destroying perfectly functional goods. Put a fine on the owner and have him legalize the car somehow (maybe a new title with an extra tax, or whatever), and then let him drive the fuck away with it. But…
Fuck the law, you have the Constitution! Govt. officials seem to be immensely shit-brained turdlets worldwide. I wish I could practice in the US. Just for Mini´s sake. Only for that.
Holy Wartburg, this is the spiritual succesor of the Aztek... my eyes want to puke.
You could have had a Merkur XR4 Cosworth... but then, ´Murica!
I admit I have a soft spot for them (dad had the first Sierra wagon in town), but the Cossies kicked some serious Bavarian ass any day of the week. The only car to put M3s to shame.
I knew that there was something so utterly wrong with that car. Now I know. Thanks.
Once again. So much cocaine.
So much cocaine. Cool.
But life can be a little more interesting, check above :)