

“My grandfather, father, and brother all served in the Air Force. I have bad eyes and a bum ear, so I got into blogging instead.”

had me at

I enjoyed this post very much and would like to read more like this. Thanks Ben. I remember the episode very well and now realize from this how much editing the crew had done.

Searching for it...

Doom, 1993.

Really, ActionTrip? “Master-Chief Lookalike Marine”? Really?

I’m going to have to say something that’s probably going to get a lot of flack, but here goes.

I’ve witnessed first hand plenty of people being led on

Nope. “The Friend Zone” is a horrible term that should be purged from the English language. Not only does it often lead to the “you owe me” issue that ariesdragon123 mentioned, but there’s also the fact that it 1) misdiagnoses the issue [It’s not that she doesn’t see you as a possible romantic partner because you’re

That is unbelievably sad.

Kiiiinda the point of the movie by the end.

I married my best of nearly 20 years so... not gonna agree with you on that one.

Nah, resentment is one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse in a relationship. If your SO resents you, just get out.

Reminds me of that guy a few weeks back with the insanely crazy abusive girlfriend, where everyone was dumbfounded that he didn’t know what to do.

As another female lawyer dating a guy who’s accomplished different, “lesser” things than I have - and has a wonderful respectful relationship anyway - I’d like to emphatically echo Dr. Nerdlove here and tell you to drop that scrub like he’s an objection you know you didn’t have any basis to make. (ha! lawyer jokes!)

From the first letter: “she has a history of men using her and leaving her.”

I always think it’s weird men are intimidated by a woman that’s everything they say they want. I picked a career I love but will never make me rich, so I’m fine with a woman making more than me. Especially if she likes her job. Maybe I was just forced to accept that long ago because my mom makes more than my dad.

I literally winced when I read the article headline. The grass is rarely greener on the other side.