
I’m pretty firmly in the ‘wait-and-see with some misgivings camp’. I’d have to argue, though, that just because a segment of people are the most vocal online, it doesn’t necessarily equate to them being the largest group in actuality.

Because it ain’t a Snyderverse movie unless the movie shoves the product placement down the audience’s throat.

I read this with the “Make America Drumpf Again” extension turned on. Really gave it a whole other layer.

Nah, Remedy Max is best Max. With Max Payne 1 and 2, they were in on the joke, they had a sense of humor about it; I mean, c’mon, they named him Max. Payne. Once Rockstar took over, we got New Max, now with 100% more seriousness and chemical dependency.

Especially after the latest entry in the series. Max elevates dark and brooding to an art form.

God Desmond Miles was terrible, just....terrible, then Ubisoft tried their DAMNEST to make you feel sorry/miss him. No, he’s fucking terrible.

Agreed... nobody broods like Max Payne. He should be number one on the list as far as I’m concerned.

Where’s Aiden Pierce, a.k.a. “The Worst Brooding White-Male Protagonist Ever?”

How dare you talk crap about Max. There’s quite a bit more to him than what you described, especially when Mona is involved.