
Lost it at “This table is now out of use, but that is okay, we have more tables.”

The Pokestop isn’t even on private property. It’s in a public park. Which they chose to live across the street from.

Boy do I dislike living in a country that is dominated by fear. See someone milling about in your neighborhood and you jump to the worst conclusions.

Hot PIDGEYS are LOOKING FOR CATCH right now in YOUR AREA! *flashy banners*

Insane how quick the turnaround on this game has been from incredibly fun, social media darling to near total failure.

Niantic has been terrible at communicating with its players. Maybe literally taking money out of their pocket will send a message that they can’t ignore.

Yet another in a long line of “small company with very specific vision that refuses to compromise” vs. “large fanbase with totally different vision.”

Apparently not. J.K. has been pushing this really disingenuous diversity trope on her material as of late, and has been throwing the racism strawman at anyone who disagrees with it.

I imagine people going to this play and thinking “Who the hell is she? Did that fucker Ron cheat and get devorced by Hermione!?” This character has been established as a white female for close to two decades, her face is on every single DVD and blue ray of the movies. No one complained about her being white in the

This is just one of those incredibly polarizing topics.

I’m going to celebrate Harry Potter’s birthday the way it should be celebrated: by sleeping in, because fuck that shit, I’m not Harry Potter, why the fuck should I care about his birthday.

The joke is based on the Watergate scandal because the dancing contest was rigged. The use of the -gate suffix has been part of popular culture long before Gamergate was even a thing. The name “ Five Fun Guys” is a “fungi” pun since they are 5 Toads in the group. The number 5 is a reference to Watergate because 5 men

Come on, Nintendo can’t do that. It’d upset the balance of the Triforce to have another named character in their game.

You used the word “people” instead of “persons”. This triggers me, I’m offended.

No, because the cyclist was very, very unwilling to talk to me. So I was unable to confirm this.

Jason, in the original CarNinja article, it said this:

As much as I think the points touched upon here (and made, more eloquently, elsewhere) about Rhodey’s death are definitely valid... I have to say that Bendis’ points are ALSO valid.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

Awesome! I think a lot of people feel that way about 1 & 2. I want to go back and replay them now that I’ve written this. Hmm.