

"…yet another failure of F Is For Family to give this female supporting character any traits beyond “vapid, promiscuous lady parts”

I question whether the sample group of this poll is an accurate reflection of current demographics, because the only people whose answers they could have tallied were the ones dumb enough to answer the phone, get asked where they think milk comes from, and then not just hang the fuck up.

I'm afraid that isn't why they're pointing and laughing at it, matey.

Seeing how much more depth has been given to Sue and Maureen this season, I find it weird that you keep harping on how the latest girl who's shacked up with Vic because of his music industry connections, mounds of cocaine, and comically huge penis isn't the most three-dimensional character on the show. As was astutely

After staring at that, I suddenly realize that I don't, either.

I really "loved" how it depicted the jury as amoral cartoons who only just discovered what empathy was at that exact moment: "A brutal rape and assault on a child? That's kinda bad, we suppose, but what are ya gonna- Wait, she's WHITE?! Not guilty, then! Harrumph, harrumph!"

I hope this doesn't come off as meaner than I intend, but does anyone else find it strange that HJO's head got bigger as an adult, but his face is the same size it was when he was kid?

Attention, defenders of Adam Sandler from 2010:

I don't condone bullying of any sort, but when you look at Roberto Benigni's ouvre, it makes you wonder whether or not a few judiciously-applied wedgies in his childhood could have prevented this kind of crap.

I think I've got it now: We're only saying "Great job, Internet!" to spare the Internet's feelings, kind of like how a mom compliments her child's drawing because she doesn't have the heart to tell the kid that it's really absolute shit.

*sigh*… Guess it's up to me, then.

I look at my self-defense firearms the same way I do my fire extinguisher: There's no scenario where I'd ever want to have need of it, but still I keep it around in case life ever rolls a snake eyes on me.

The issue I take with movies isn't that they "glamorize" violence; I'm fine with that part. It's that characters in movies tend to be incredibly careless and unsafe when it comes to how they handle firearms. It's one thing to depict stuff like keeping fingers on the trigger at all times, sweeping people with muzzles,

And I never could've scaled the Murderhorn without 'em!

Mighty strong words from someone who helped turn the series' core concept into six copy-pasted knockoffs of The Matrix, storyboarded by an overcaffeinated 9-year-old and written by that 9-year-old's crayon-eating cousin.

It's a testament to Nathan Rabin's skill as a critic that I kept reading past the line "That's not the creepy part." And it's a testament to this movie's awfulness that I wish Rabin was as bad at his job as these filmmakers were at theirs, because I should have stopped there.

Dan Aykroyd is more or less the George Lucas of Comedy; when he's working with other talented minds, he produces some excellent material (e.g. Star Wars and Ghostbusters). When he's left to his own creative devices, he puts out some strange and very off-putting shit (e.g. The Star Wars prequels and Nothing but Trouble)

"I want my MONEY [slap] back for Robin Hood!"

I would call this a reboot so much as I would a mulligan. As long as they don't let another overcaffeinated 10-year-old do their storyboarding and then let that kid's handicapable cousin write the scripts, they just might get a good movie or two out of this.