
To that I must regretfully pose a counterargument: It's Sony.

Yeah, but as I recall, she blew it.

Because there are and always will be people who need to feel like they're making a valuable contribution to society, but are too self-absorbed to give their time and/or effort to charity.

Spaceballs: The Flamethrower…

Allemande left, sir.

We'd have to rely on random chance that a giant meteor will finally land on and destroy Sony Pictures.

No way. If there is a God, I'm worried He might willingly stop existing just to avoid having to deal with their filthy, black souls in any capacity.

And remember: "If you want to be a winner, never nosh on fidget spin-" …Ah, screw it.

Don't be knocking the cheeses. No night is ever so dark that a well-placed Gruyère or Provolone can't brighten it up at least a little.

This is what happens when you try to tune a fish.

I remember thinking the same thing about that piece-of-shit Paul movie: "Your blind faith in an Invisible Sky King is foolish and backward. Now, let me prove it by healing you with my ALIEN SPACE MAGIC!"

That is just abnormal, sick, and wrong; who the fuck frosts the bottom of a cake?

Seen it. Eleanor is the most central female character in that one, but I don't know if that one really counts, since she's a car.

And here's something else I'm saying that does tie into my OP: I'm not interested in having your bullshit argument over a movie, period. If you want to be a hero, go volunteer.

For my part, the only thing I could knock the movie for was its complete and total lack of skateboarding Wonder Woman.

She's basically saying that it's great to finally see a female superhero flick that doesn't suck, but it shouldn't be made a big deal of, because not every stupid little thing in our culture has to be blown up into a giant clash between good and evil.

I've only seen a handful of games that modern N64 emulators can't properly run. Resident Evil 2 is about the only one I've tried that seems to be flat-out unplayable without the original hardware, but the PlayStation game runs just fine on ePSXe, so it's no big whoop. The big-ticket games like Super Mario 64, Ocarina

Way to cut out the middleman.

If I didn't already have a TV box that plays everything, I'd have bought the hell out of this just to reward Nintendo's judgment in putting Final Fantasy VI and Secret of Mana on there. As it is, that's one more on the market for you guys to snag while you can.

The bit where she runs back into Bill and Kevin's room and whacks them both with a wooden spoon while bellowing "SHUT! THE! FUCK! UP!" is still one of my favorite moments of the season.