
They're equally annoying and useless to society, so… yeah.

My prediction for this fight: The Force Awakens can't get a hit in because all its moves are too easy to predict, but Rogue One dies at the end because there's no other way to wrap it up.

The people who complain about this sort of crap are to liberals what those WBC whackadoos are to conservatives: They're definitely crazy, but they're really too small a fringe to deserve all the attention they get.

Bic Her? I don't even know her!

Oh, like Kanye West could ever just stand quietly while someone else is talking.

All I can do is apologize.

I just meant the actual, onscreen bloodshed is unpleasantly presented, which I guess is a trademark of Mark Millar's work, since he wrote the source material for both. But that is a good point that the characters being far more likable gives Kingsmen a little extra slack that Kick-Ass doesn't deserve.

Blame Harrison Ford for wanting out of the movies ever since Empire. Why the guy who starred in Six Days, Seven Nights and Firewall is so embarrassed to be one of the most beloved parts of such a beloved franchise sits far beyond my ken, but there it is.

Oh, that wasn't necessarily what I really believe. That's just what I suspect would be the go-to excuse the filmmakers would use if asked about it, kind of like how Eli Roth tried to trick gullible viewers into thinking he was an auteur by claiming that the Hostel movies were made to highlight human trafficking.

On the plus side, Doctor Detroit's existence is good way to keep a check on our 80's nostalgia, and remind us that not every comedy was Ghostbusters or Ferris Bueller's Day Off, as illustrated by this exchange:

It has the same problem I had with Kick-Ass; horror-movie levels of exaggeratedly gory violence, but presented in the context of stylized, "cool" action scenes. I'm sure it's supposed to be some kind of social commentary, but to me it's just unpleasant and gruesome.

Ugh. I worked in a theater when What Women Want was running. Even without retroactively applying Mel Gibson's current reputation to it, the movie just sucks.

Amazon Fire and the Nvidia Shield are both a hell of a lot easier to set up, more stable, and give you access to thousands of classic games. If that's still too much work for some people, I'm not wasting my sympathy on them. For all I care, they can just sit there with nothing and bitch.

If only better alternatives were easy as Pi to find. Great products from Nintendo have always been a Shield against boredom, and this mini-console caught on like Fire.

Alec Baldwin thinks Donald Trump is an asshole. Donald Trump thinks Alec Baldwin is an asshole. Both hold opposing opinions, neither one is incorrect, and I really don't feel like reading their shitty books either way.

Paradoxically, your awesomely Spooneristic screen name serves as compelling proof of a loving creator.

Huh. And here I was, thinking it'd be emblematic of the spawning habits of the banded knifefish. Who'd have thought the superfluous thinkpiece with only one obvious place to go would end up going to that one place?

I find that once the Internet Outrage Machine starts rolling, it's best to just step aside. Facts will only piss it off more.

It's a joke, my friend.

What the fuck does that mean?!