
Yep. If terrible fiction deserved awards just for hitting an audience's political G-spot, Ayn Rand would have died with a shelf full of Pulitzers.

To his credit, at least Trump had nothing to do with making She-Devil.

I really only know one Mormon song, repurposed here with new lyrics:

In fact, everybody should do that tonight.

I suspect Michael Richards is fine with any kind of role association these days so long as it doesn't involve him dropping the N-Bomb onstage.

And, apparently, chooses his enemies not on the basis of ideology, but rather on the relative size of their guts.

I'd make a joke about that, but it's the exact reason Suburban Commando is on my movie shelf now.

…You are not LaBeouf.

Heh, I'd like to meet that guy.

Word is a little old lady got mutilated late last night.

Good luck. All I got from it was a reminder to drink my Ovaltine.

I'll bet it turns out he was bitten by a radioactive douchebag.

Well, you're on the AV Club's comment section, which in turn is on the Internet. If you want to have a conversation with decent human beings who possess some amount of empathy for others and can consider new ideas in a calm, thoughtful and rational manner, you'll just have to shut off the device and talk face-to-face

I guessed it.

Eight-year-olds, dude.

Almost forgot the stock creature noises. Yeah, it's kind of the same feeling I get when the Wilhelm Scream pops up in a serious action scene; it's hard not to instantly be reminded of all the times it's been used tongue-in-cheek.

The Babadook didn't scare me, but that's because I don't think it was meant to; I believe it is supposed to be deeply troubling, though, especially when you pick up on the obvious subtext that Mr. Babadook is a personification of painful emotions like depression, frustration, and grief. Most of the people who

You left out how near the end the killer basically goes "fuck it" (no pun intended) and starts killing off a bunch of the kids anyway. It's not much of a spoiler since, really, what kind of psycho killer would pick up his ball and go home just because his victims managed to find a loophole?

Wait wait wait, lemme go get out the ol' family Bible and check something…

My digital girlfriend just called me an asshole!