
Yep, it's on the right, about two or three inches away from the table leg. Look for the one part of the inner border where the pattern doesn't match.

I credit Nic Cage's death scene in this movie with teaching me that it is indeed possible to deep-fry a ham.

"Only" might be too strong a modifier, since they're a lot of fun already, but I find that the Saint's Row games get exponentially more fun with cheating. Volition obviously cottoned on to this, because by part 3 things like invincibility and infinite ammo are legitimate, in-game upgrades instead of secret unlockables

Can't rule it out, but it sounds like the reviewer loved what the movie's about enough to give it a pass on how poorly it goes about it.

So basically, bad movies with childishly oversimplified premises are automatically good if they confirm the reviewer's bias? I dunno, I totally believe in the message that gigantic robots and Megan Fox are nice things to look at, but they sure didn't stop Transformers from being a gigantic pile of shit.

Get a job, Internet.

The seemingly-inexplicable stuff can be adequately explained by the game taking place in a shared dreamscape of the main characters and an insane serial killer. But most other criticisms are fair enough, and this game is really fucking hard even on the easiest difficulty.

I'm not "in" love with you, Bo, but rest assured I do love you. If your genre parodies were any more brilliantly cutting, they'd slice, dice and make julienne fries.

…it has more laughs and more scares than the first 2 films…

Enjoy that tournament purse, little Billy; you'll need it once my generation is finished destroying the job market for your generation! MWAHAHAHAAA!!

Joel has already assured us that they aren't going for any more of a political angle than they ever have. Which is good, since one of MST3k's greatest strengths was in its ability to bring together several comic minds with wildly differing viewpoints and make a show that threw out plenty of jabs at political figures,

Oh, please. "Famous, petulant man-child" is way too reaching of a role for Shia LaBeouf. Everyone knows he's not famous.

It gets even harder from there, if you can believe it.

I have the perfect guide for conquering the challenge of Friday the 13th in just two easy steps:

I agree with the assessment that the people making them are assholes, but I suspect most "death threats" are simply a product of idiots trying to be funny, which never works out well in general.

It kills me that there really isn't anything I can personally do to repay him for the joy that he's been giving us for years, at a time when he and his family need it most. Words aren't worth much, but they're all I have:

What are you, some kind of maniac?!

Didn't you know? Mathematics are a construct of privileged males, and to use proper arithmetic is to endorse the patriarchy! You must repent for your microaggression and report to your nearest reprogramming facility at once!

That's right, fans: Never mind that you might love the first two Aliens and Terminator movies, appreciate Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the underrated gem that it is, thought Xena was ten times cooler than Hercules, made The Force Awakens a box-office smash, and are just as put off by the upcoming all-male remake of Gho

Finally, a voice of reason emerges!