
Thank you. A reboot implies by its very nature that the source material was flawed enough to justify nuking it and starting over from scratch. I don't give a single shit about this new movie starring women; a reboot with all guys would be just as stupid and unnecessary.

Not apologizing, and doubling down: Folks, if someone can't have fun watching the original Ghostbusters, do not turn your back to them or drink anything they give you. This goes triple if their name is Don Marz.

No offense, new century, but if any of your members can't relate to the original Ghostbusters, then they need to be mercifully and humanely disposed of, not catered to. We're overpopulated as it is, and that's exactly the kind of person we need to stop making.

Indeed. He'll take your heart, but you won't feel it.

It gets even funnier if you imagine the other dude as Phil Collins… who then joins him in a duet.

Same here, because then, when they give it away the very next day, I'm just like, "Yep, that's how a fuckwad will do ya."

Fucking "Last Christmas", man. The lyrics are especially annoying because of how stupid and gullible the singer appears to be.

So… what happens when I find you?

Alternately, it's a very creative and delightfully festive story from Grandpa to cover up the brutal murder of his wife.

Trust me, lady, you don't even wanna know what YOUR mom is doing for 98 bucks an hour.

Most of RLM's criticisms became "memes" because they were devastatingly on-target and effectively verbalized what so many disappointed fans knew was wrong with them from the get-go. I will maintain that the prequel trilogy has its moments, and the watchability definitely improves from film to film, but there's no

There's one candidate who does a killer Donald Trump impersonation; I'm sure they'll love that guy.

Say what you will about the man, but at least he didn't try to rap.

It's so exciting, you guys! Based on the footage they've shown, apparently there are characters in the new Star Wars movie, AND they say and do stuff!

No mention of any perfunctory social media references, awkward sequences of Snoopy and Woodstock dancing to hip-hop, or any other hackneyed attempts to "appeal to modern sensibilities." Oh yeah, I'm gonna watch the *hell* out this.

…But is this a *genuine* Mark Hamill? Last time, I thought I was getting a Mark Hamill but I ended up with a Bruce Boxleitner.

I don't disagree that Heather is an excellent character, but this analysis does short-change James quite a bit. Once all the pieces are in place about what he did, why he did it and what he's done to deny it, he's revealed as a darker and far more complex character than his dour personality originally let on.

Forget it, Concrete Donkey. It's Chinatown.

The goal of most remakes nowadays is adapting an older story for "modern sensibilities," which appears to mean stripping out all of the original film's appeal and replacing it with a lot of gratuitous references to social media.

I still maintain it's less awful than "Dancin' in the Street," but that's only because "Joey" hasn't been covered 6,527 times, and that really drives home how a terrible song shouldn't have even been made in the first place.