
When is Paul Blart 3: Mall in the Family, in which McCarthy joins the franchise as Blart's new wife, getting into production?

I still haven't been able to get through season 4 of Orange, so I think it'll take me awhile to get through season 5.

I watched Andromeda almost solely because I had a crush on Doig.

He gets points for occasionally being confused with Paul Rudd.

The Club Dumas is one of my favorite books, possibly my favorite fiction book, as you can maybe tell from my name and avatar. Queen of the South is pretty good. I'd put it behind The Club Dumas and The Seville Communion. Agree that The Ninth Gate was a terrible movie version of The Club Dumas.. Very disappointing.

I struggled through most of season 1 of Flaked because I like Arnett. I couldn't finish, though. It just, . . well, it just sucked. And when we got the reveal about London, . . dear god, . . no more.

The Arturo Perez-Reverte book upon which it is all based is pretty good. Haven't seen the Mexican series. The USA show was watchable . . . for a season. I'll see how season 2 goes.

I look at Bee and Oliver differently. I find Bee almost intolerable. Oliver has been much better, though this season is disappointing.

Thinking people have long understood that the war on drugs is a failure. It is counterproductive to its stated goals. The lack of political will to address that failure is depressing and astounding.

I didn't say he should ignore Trump. I'm saying do interesting coverage instead of just amplifying the week's dead horse outrage.

Putin wants to weaken American and European rivals. He wants to enhance Russia's power and influence. Is this really any surprise?

Would US hacking and meddling operations around the world also be terrorism?

It didn't really hurt them that much.

By doing what?

She's a migratory bee.

I don't like most of them. I did like Oliver. His seemed a little different, . . a less echo-chamber/low-hanging fruit approach. This season, though, he just seems to have taken the easy road.

Sometimes. The bit he did dressed as Mark Twain asking a contestant to guess whether particular quotes were from Twain or Eddie Murphy was fucking hilarious. And it was a nice commentary on Murphy getting the Mark Twain Award in light of his history of anti-gay rants.

The Intercept has done plenty of negative reporting on Putin and Russia, but the only thing some people care about is that they preach skepticism of intelligence community statements and seek proof before drawing conclusions on Russiagate. Want to read some of The Intercept's reporting on Russia: https://theintercept.

Not remotely. Greenwald, and others, have called for skepticism of statements made by the intelligence community and has called for proof before embracing the conclusions. The idea that Greenwald has a pro-Russia stance is ridiculous. And not taking intelligence community claims with a grain of salt is nuts, given

Exactly. But by calling for some skepticism of intelligence agencies and seeking proof instead of just accepting conclusions, they are castigated by some. The Intercept, in fact, stated repeatedly that the matter should be fully investigated. Greenwald says it himself. Yet it is spun as investigating it is