
Bomb dropped? Not remotely. It's an interesting leak, but doesn't amount to much.

I know a lot of people who don't like Clinton and didn't vote for her in the primary or general election. None of them based their decision on reports of corruption or the stupid attacks from the right. They based it on a rejection of the DLC/centrist bullshit that the Clintons brought to the Democratic Party.

She seems like Mac from Mac & Cheese.

She's already been hired by the White House as a media consultant.

I hope she evolves and develops a better perception on the world.

I'm conflicted. I like Mr. Robot quite a bit. And I hate Julia Roberts quite a bit. Not sure how to react here.

It's the difference between using the word and reporting the use of the word.

I'm not even sure he's a little smarter than average. In fact, I doubt he is.

One of my best friends, who is 46 years old, told this joke the other day at lunch: What do you get when you stab a baby with a pitchfork? A: An erection. He told the joke because he knew how offensive it was and that is kind of his schtick. I don't think he is of poor character. He tells these jokes a lot in a

When you are a teenager? Yeah. It is hard to not make offensive jokes.

We don't know what the response was, or whether there was any response that would have made a difference. It may have just been Harvard covering its bases with the appearance of due process.

I'm not sure it was malicious. I don't know any of these kids. And I can still remember all the horrible shit me and my friends said in high school among ourselves solely for shock one-ups-manship. That said, I'm not bothered that they lost a spot at Harvard over it. It's the risk they took by putting it out there.

It isn't just the use of the word. It's how he used it. He deserves every bit of grief he's getting.

He called himself to a house n*gger.

Politics in America has devolved to little more than a team sport. Sadly.

Translation: He's on our team, so let it slide. Also, he has black friends, so he can't do something racist.

Ice Cube is being replaced by Vanilla Ice.

Pregnancy is an awful affliction.

I don't know. They are pretty convincing as brothers on screen.

Except people convince themselves the worthless plan is progress and they let up.