
Hey, why not? It is our solution for most problems.

The Paris Accord was itself a disaster for all man kind. With our collective backs to the wall, we came up with an agreement in which each country pledges whatever it wants to, and can renege or reduce commitment to its goals at any time . . . without consequence. It is the equivalent of 200 separate New Year's

I wish people would actually bother instead of being satisfied with symbolic gestures that are mostly empty.

Except there is a deep state. The thing about conspiracy theories is that along with all the tin-foil hat conspiracies history is littered with real ones.

I don't know. Obama was in favor of expanding oil drilling, and Trump seems to be in favor of that too. Obama was in favor of bombing as the foundation of the war on terror, Trump seems to agree. Obama pushed immigration crackdown, Trump followed suit. Obama expanded domestic spying, Trump jumped on board. Obama

The agreement is a joke. Trump's withdrawal from the agreement is a stupid move, but let's not pretend the Paris Accord amounted to much. My head almost exploded when I heard John Kerry say in an interview criticizing Trump that the agreement is entirely voluntary, . . Trump could have just reduced the US commitment

He's from Nebraska, an agricultural state. No mystery there.

It can't just be about politics as team sport. We can't look the other way when people on our team do wrong. At least that's my take. And I'd say Trump is ruing everything because you supported Hillary, the only candidate that Trump could beat, and felt smug. Fuck you too.

Agree that it wasn't used as a slur against anyone. But Maher referring to himself as a house n*gger in that context is offensive. Whether you see it or not.

Doubt it.

Well, I have a problem with your use of the word literal. Beyond that, you can think what you want about people. I don't think it should be the case that the n-word can never be uttered. But when it is used the way Maher did, . . I certainly hope people will speak out against it.

I think there can be context in which the use of the word is appropriate. Even useful in discourse. I'm not reacting just to use of the word. Maher's use of it in this case, however, is utterly reprehensible.

I'm liberal. Maher isn't, and has never been, on my team.

HBO finally got it right.

At least he didn't use the n-word in public.

Not in this case. The context doesn't justify, or even mitigate, here. Maher called himself a house n*gger. I'm sorry, but that's just offensive and adds nothing to any discourse going on.

I don't think many people would claim he didn't have the right to say it. But the reaction his getting is people exercising their rights too.

Maybe it does, though.

When I first heard about this, I thought there might be some context to at least somewhat justify it. That Maher may have been making a statement about something to which the comment was salient. But, no,