
2020. When The Rock defeats President Pence.

We had a guy speak at an assembly who, we were told, was a reformed drug addict who got his life together and was now a drug-free success. Some kids claimed they spoke with him after the assembly and asked him some questions about marijuana as a gateway drug. Allegedly, he responded by asking them if they were

Fits perfectly with the entire history of the war on drugs.

Depends on how the word "retarded" was used. It is a word that has legitimate, non-offensive uses.


Literally? I won't argue he isn't.

I thought Zoo Animals on Wheels from Get A Life was still the #1 video on YouTube.

As a celebrity joint? Yes. As food? No.

Rainier Wolfcastle's Planet Hype did pretty well, I think.

Sometimes. It is one of the rotating entrees in the Mystery Meat Contest.

Meet Me In The Basement.

FTWD has writers?

Teen suicide is usually sensible.

No. It doesn't. It's an observation. And a correct one. I think McCown's piece pretty much sucks. But that part, at least, he got right.

Yeah. But by the same token America was embracing bloody tyrants and there was actually plenty of reason to mistrust our own government at the time. Recognizing that was criticized heavily by a large segment of the population who made Russia to be the ultimate boogeyman of the time, which trumped all concerns about

This has always been Stone’s problem. He wants the counter-narrative told, but he doesn’t want there to be any problems with it. He just wants something with the force of authority to shatter established narratives in the American media. It is less his problem than his mission. Guys like Stone are useful if you

Another Russian Spears-phishing campaign.

Agree with those. Also, Fight Club.

I think he's distinguished himself as an actor in a number of roles.

She's hit-and-miss. She's still capable of doing good work and being funny. But she does a lot of shit too.