
Who says something like We'd like you to come work in the fields? Someone from Nebraska, where agriculture is a huge industry.

Well, Maher has always been a reprehensible sack of shit. So, . . no surprise here.

CBS? No. No, they couldn't. They're CBS.

Maybe they could bring back Carrie Heffernan's long-lost sister from the early episodes of King of Queens while they are at it.

Dick York, . . Dick Sargent, . . Sergeant York . . . WTF!

Given the easy gradations, I would think "B" graded movies are approximately as good as each other, even if not precisely.

I, for one, do think there was a large dip in quality this season. Whether that was a showrunner issue or not, . . I don't know. I think most of the season was very funny. Kudos for that. But it was a different show, for me, for the most part. And the final three episodes were utterly dismal. I know some people

Her name isn't Virginia Jones?

I love the Winchester Mystery House. If you are ever in the area, you should check it out. Freakin' cool.

More like Coach KKK. Amirite?

But they almost beat the Harlem Globetrotters so many times.

That's my choice. He's not my favorite guy, but I love the fiction that he's a "communist."

I can eat 50 eggs if it is caviar and it's on a cracker.

The people I know who continued to watch the show — I pulled the plug after season 3 — are basically in the same group: Democrats who fancy themselves as liberals but support the establishment Democratic party 100%.

Both sides? Because there are only two sides? The problem with the war on terror: Republicans and Democrats basically agree that war is the answer. Kill our way to victory. Any opposing view comes out of mainstream political partisanship and is beyond the both sides nonsense.

The liberal stuff is fake liberal stuff, though. It's stuff that is supposed to appeal to comfortable Democrats who like to consider themselves liberal. Remember season 1? There were a couple of things that were supposed to be so shocking they'd bring down a government. 1) that the US bombed a target killing a

Disagree on ZDT. Think about it. The CIA tortures Amar to try to stop the attack in Saudi Arabia. They get nothing, and the attack succeeds. They then treat Amar like a human being and use the effective rapport building techniques that actual work in interrogation and get a kernel of information from Amar . . .

Agree with you on Zero Dark Thirty. Completely misunderstood by so many. On Homeland, though, I disagree. I think Homeland borders on peddling a whitewash of the war on terror. It's the comfortable mythology that occasionally throws a bone to critics of the war on terror to appear even handed.

The Hunger Games is just a rip-off of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

People who don't have experience in acting or writing don't have credibility in their opinions? Now that is a retarded opinion.