
This episode was the most pointed in indicating that Mr. Robot is not a real person. Elliot's final words and actions in the episode strongly support that too. Of course, they could reverse field next week. But I doubt that. I think it is probably a good move to get that resolved earlier rather than later. It

Excerpt, random interview on the street: Why it gotta be a blackout?

Porn star.

You figured out a way to enjoy this show? I bet it involves drugs.

There might have been one or two people who didn't catch that, . . but the odds of them being in an AV Club discussion are low.

That sounds like a great routine.

How does anyone use a "joke" to discriminate against someone?

Forget political correctness . . . or correctitude . . . or whatever it is called. Did he ever figure out the deal with airline peanuts?

I think it is in the contract. So, "yes."

Unless I'm mistaken, RPJ is having a sex-change in order to fill the role. That's commitment.

Yeah . . . because smart people are never great looking. Good one!!!

What are hackers if not fancy magicians?

That's such a clever play on historically male-centric movies having a hot chick as the receptionist. Amazing!!!!

Bryce Dallas Howard is just repellent. How does she get cast? Is it just family connections? She's terrible in everything.

I can't believe the masturbation over this finale. It was a show that exceeded modest expectations, and turned into something pretty good. But the finale was a shit-fest. I kind of feel like this whole space is some kind of elaborate practical joke. Or something funded by the CW.

Or the Sacroiliac.

I know that because AV Club had an article about it earlier this week.

Agree. It really isn't very good. It's actually kind of funny.

That's less funny.

I'll be honest: I absolutely hate that they take on the subject matter that should have been explored carefully over time in one fell swoop at the very end of the season. I get what the reviewer is saying here, but I think a bigger point about the show's generally impotent storytelling is getting missed. I don't