The biggest problem for me was Bernadette not having any understanding of the issue until Amy explained it to her. I mean, seriously?
The biggest problem for me was Bernadette not having any understanding of the issue until Amy explained it to her. I mean, seriously?
This was my least favorite episode of the entire series.
I think she should be required to always wear that costume.
I had one of those memory wipes so I could enjoy re-watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I'm told.
Hey. Let's not get personal here. I'll have you know that I am highly intelligent and relatively socially adept.
What are X spiders?
Do you at least acknowledge that there are artists who attempt to put something meaningful into their music and there are some artists that are simply trying to maximize mass appeal? And a whole bunch in-between?
I don't promote the idea of music being split into "good stuff" and "commercial stuff." I'm arguing against the idea of equating commercial success with quality. The idea that mass-popularity — in addition to reaping the rewards of fame, fortune, and adulation — should also be recognized for artistry because…
There is skill in conceiving, producing, and delivering popular, fast food. If there wasn't, we'd all be billionaires because we'd all have our own fast-food empires. Is there skill to making mass-consumption pop music? Of course there is. To the extent I implied Swift (and her team) is (are) without skills, it…
So don't vote on it without listening to it. But do criticize it or support it without listening to it?
I think it is less unfair to judge them by stuff they say as a teenager when they are public figures as teenagers, making millions of dollars off of being public figures.
AV Club gave it a B+. So, there is that.
You're sure it deserves a better grade? So you haven't listened to it either. How is your defense of the album without hearing it any different than anyone's derision without hearing it?
I'm getting older, and most days I'd kill for a good shit.
I want to believe that was written ironically. But I don't think it was. Which is hilarious, given Swift's teen-poetry laden writing career.
There is Mmmbop. That was something.
What people sometimes miss, I think: Artists like Swift, who make some of the best pop music already get the fame, the money, and the mass adulation that goes with making mainstream, mass-appeal music. Why do we have to pretend it is more artistically significant than it is? Swift is what she is: a McDonald's happy…
That six seconds of static song is pretty good.
But figuratively it was her third.
Makes sense too. If I remember my Bible stories, the fourth horseman was the Horseman of Boredom.