The name Nicholas Hawley is an anagram of His Callow Hyena. That's got to mean something . . . right?
The name Nicholas Hawley is an anagram of His Callow Hyena. That's got to mean something . . . right?
Agree. I would have gone with non-union, Mexican equivalent Sawyer. But agree with your point.
The problem with American Dad is that it . . . well, it sucks. It sucks as hard as anything on TV can suck.
Yes. But pretty much everything gives me melancholy nostalgia for Dean Pelton dressed in a full ballgown for the Gone With the Windows cotillion.
This was just delightful. Looking forward to more mysteries with Mike and the gang.
At least I finally got that Sleepy Hollow/Hannibal crossover I've been hoping for . . . sort of.
All the blood rushed to my head, and I was just watching.
If I remember my Bible correctly, War was a giant lobster.
Squirrel Boone, however, was a cartoon rip off of Rocky.
I thought it was called Jinkies.
The correct answer is Chuck Norris.
I hope it is as simple as Batman throwing a batarang, which bounces off of Superman, and then Superman crushing Batman's body to pulp. Because that is pretty much how I envision Batman Vs. Superman.
It is going to be aimed at a CW-type audience. The Zombie Diaries.
Bill Murray or gtfo.
I've always wondered what Bob Golic would look like as a zombie.
That wasn't a woman.
Even more miraculous: The Browns win the Superbowl!
Porn parody: Gonorrhea Girl.
John Wick: "Everyone keeps asking me if I'm back."
Yes. But it was Manhattan, Kansas. And viewers were not impressed.