
No. I'm not.

Neither. Honestly, she is so repellent that I can't even think in those terms.

The thing of it is, I don't get the ridiculous physical attractiveness thing. She's a good looking woman. But ridiculous attractiveness? Don't see it.

Not a threat. A hypothetical discussion. Since I cannot be given prospective legal immunity for such a thing, the predicate can't kick in so there is no threat.

It would have been funny if, in reaction to Tyreese's statement, Rick immediately stabbed him in the head to prevent him from turning. Then to have Tyreese, with his dying words, say "I . . . was . . . speaking . . . figuratively . . . aaaaargh."

Removed. In the age of internet hysteria, I'm better served to delete this all.

I thought it was Age of Ultram, in which our heroes get hooked on painkillers.

He died on the way back to his home planet.

I don't know. I think we can milk a little more out of it.

Rosita needs to get back into the short shorts she wore when she first appeared. They were really short. And she wore them well.

C'mon, Archie. The signs were there all along.

I just wish Bob made a speech about life in Zombie America being like a game of chess.

I don't think you can get the clap from tainted meat.

I suspect he's been molesting zombie children all along.

Director's cut on the DVD set.

Sarah Palin 100,000:1

Needs more cowbell.

The Jimmie Walker documentary, Mr. Dyn-o-mite!, is better. Just sayin'.

How could they not have used that ubiquitous Pharrel Williams song in this episode?

None of them will go to college, that's for sure. Because of the skyrocketing cost of higher education!