
Nightmare's End is the title of my novel. It's about what happens at the end of a nightmare. And, as readers learn along the way, the nightmare is . . . life. It was too deep and well written to find a mass audience, or to get published. But I could send you a copy.

Kind of agree on "just the right amount of Gareth." I think the only thing I would have added would have been a two-minute retrospective of Gareth and his best moments at the end episode, set to the music The Sound of Silence.

You take that back! T-Dog was the most fully realized character in TV history, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

Season 1 was pretty silly.

A Ginsu then?

I would have expected someone to at least issue a recall on all Bob meat.

I long suspected that Bob's head was actually a pumpkin.

Terminus 2: Judgment Day.

Since when is Beyonce black?

What if Taylor Swift's six seconds of static is your favorite new song?

Great point.

How about deez nuts?


Yeah. I watched the first two seasons, mostly because my wife wanted to. It's a legal soap opera that pretends it is something more. It's actually incredibly superficial in almost all regards. But it has a prestige cast, and it has been promoted as good drama. I gave up after two seasons, my wife continued a

I will not crucify you. But I might cut off your head.

We were all thinking it.

It is worth watching Season 2 and pretending it ends there. There is a beautiful poignancy in Buffy being forced to kill Angel, then leaving town. Once they established the star-crossed lovers baseline for Buffy and Angel, I think Buffy killing Angel was the most perfect and poetic ending for the whole story.

It was season 2. She used it against The Judge.

That people consider The Good Wife to be "extremely sophisticated" and "thoughtful" is about as damning a commentary on television as I can imagine.

Fear, Itself aired on FX this morning. In addition to being one of the very best episodes of the series, is it also great Halloween fun.