
Rules are rules. If God says babies get tortured for all eternity, then it must be the right the thing.

I tell my wife about children getting a free pass to heaven every time she accuses me of never growing up.

If that isn't a sign of the coming Apocalypse, I don't know what is.

Well, there is this passage from Matthew: And the once exalted Nicolas shall fall from his lofty throne and spew bile across the lands and the righteous shall turn away in horror. Seems eerily on the money.

And Drive Angry.

I heard Cage was surprised when seeing the movie's final cut because he expected his head to be replaced in most of the scenes with a CGI flaming skull.


My last bowel movement: better than Agents of SHIELD.

They all graduated.

At the point in which Dan Harmon is replaced by David Guarascio and Moses Port .

Soon. He is going to replace Shirley. In black face, of course.

I consider S2 of Community to be the best season of a TV comedy I ever saw.

I just hope we get some flashbacks from Henry's years in law school.

Three way? Have some ambition, man. Ichabod, Abbie, Irving, Jenny, Katrina, Headless Horseman, John Cho . . . let's have a Sleepy Hollow orgy.

I'm just hoping for some kind of reconciliation between father and son. I really want to see Ichabod taking Jeremy to a ballgame or something.

Played by Tom Arnold!

I've heard that the Kindred was introduced as a possible back door pilot for Kindred's Law, in which the Kindred goes to law school and then works as a tireless attorney defending the poor.

I'm not shipping Abbie/Ichabod. Mostly because I am shipping Irving/Ichabod.

So Vagina Patrol is on the back burner now?

You'll have to wait for season 3 to learn about that.