
exposed for the conservatives they really are.

This is just a sign of the end times.

Critical thinking:
-(Very) few people are advocating for unchecked migration.
-We can’t take care of our own. This is true. However;
-This fact doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be taking care of people at all. can people not get this??

These are small donations. Numerous small donations. Do not continue to underestimate how many terrible people we have in this country that would rather watch it burn than make themselves mildly uncomfortable to change.

Approval ratings do not equal how many people would rather keep this going because they believe it

Someone below said it, but it really needs to be pointed out.

Pfft, unions.

We don’t need regulations and checks. You just need to put trust in our benevolent workplaces and corporations. They obviously care about their employees. It’s worked in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, transportation and in our every day jobs...every where really!


So if so many commenters here, including myself, are against this scheduled “games as a service” philosophy...

Honest question: What would he run on? The first time seemed to be tapping into anger and ignorance that he would actually help the rural, working class. Oh, and Hillary.

He hasn’t actually done a single thing to benefit the “average” American.

Capitalism in weather is also why we have an outdated, shitty system to track it.

What motivation does any “weather company” have to innovate, when we, the consumer, have absolutely no choice in the matter.

Those without morals or empathy make for easy sellouts. Unfortunately, those are always in high supply.

It’s hard for people to reconcile the fact that an athlete can be a top-tier player and a trash human.

Hey, A-A-Ron?

Nigh impossible? There always has to be a first eventually. Sometimes it happens right away, sometimes it never happens.

Davis could very well be that one guy who never breaks out. The guy isn’t even coming close.

He’s “broken”. Mentally. The only reason the Orioles do this is because they have no shot anyway, and maybe hope he can break out of this and be good for 20 HR and 250 strikeouts. I mean, that’s my guess.

He just needs to be done. Bench him, release him, eat the salary.

Move the goalposts, my friend: average is “six figures annually (at least), some form of white, and ideally male”.

I am sure there are plenty of laws passed that benefited that definition of average!!

Very. I’m firmly in “this country is really broken in a lot of ways and yet this administration sets out fake boogeymen to distract all of us” camp.

It’s amazing that places like Motel 6 can still be open.

This needs more stars and need to be whipped out whenever another mouth breather asks “What’s wrong with our system, really?”.

Bingo. Perception is key in politics. Not truth.