It’s better if you spin it a certain way. For ‘average folk’, there’s little to nothing better about it.
It’s better if you spin it a certain way. For ‘average folk’, there’s little to nothing better about it.
Yup, I’ve been there too, and that shit is really bad. Thankfully for us, it was temporary. For many, it’s the only way of life...but yeah, it’s easy to get a job. No problem.
One thing I am confused on...the article talks about how parents can have a hard time getting work..but the bill affects “Able Bodied Adults without Dependents”.
Does this affect those with children, or not?
Then it is not sustainable.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner.
Yet another system in the US that is broken.
It’s really varied, because Heroes introduces characters that are “impossible” in the series. Weird fusions, weird versions of heroes and villains past, etc.
Same place eh?
So more of this crap in perpetuity.
Yes. This continues to be the pertinent question. And if this isn’t proper behavior among men, why is it between a man and a woman??
Wow, definitely hit a nerve. Based on the replies, sadly being proven right here.
It’s an exclusive club for those with nothing better to do. The git gud crowd is an excess of machismo and immaturity.
with the limited time i have to play games these days
Because it’s a closed fraternity. People feel “empowered” being part of the exclusive git gud group.
So...there’s hope for the Bulls to get rid of GarPax??
Sure seems like most business ventures are started without even one year of “burn”. It’s stupid, but AAF seemed to follow most capital venture plans: only nobody cared about the product they were selling.
Maybe, but equally as disturbing is the low-key power play that comes from all of this.
The fact that he can’t even comprehend why women (btw, he doesn’t do this to men!!) would be disturbed by SMELLING THEIR HAIR, says a ton about his character.
“I’m so important and privileged I just do whatever the fuck I please,…
No, it’s a power play, and being too intimidated to speak up is WAAAAAY different than “accepting”.
This is what people need to understand. Just because women didn’t riot about it, doesn’t mean it was “accepted”.
50 times? I have a crazy life, man.
I’m just saying that when it is on the company dime, you don’t need to worry about things like money, and it changes how one looks at travel. That’s all.
It’s called a scam. Lots of websites in lots of industries allowed to do this. Healthcare, dating, senior living, the list goes on.
Another system in our country that sucks.