

Can anyone really believe there isn’t some nefarious plot behind everything these days? Of course AMI is in the Saudi’s pocket. This makes the most sense. Wearing a tin foil hat is becoming trendy.

Because he’s a kid. He’ll either grow up, and realize this, or won’t and be mocked for his tantrums.

baseball pitcher throwing over to first base a bunch.

I’ve not seen Will Cain written about much here (and that’s FINE), but it’s good to at least confirm that most people think what I thought when hearing him: yet another moronic blowhard. I can’t imagine working on his show. 

Does company flying count though? It’s on the company tab?

To me serious fliers, sure, fly a lot for work, but probably don’t have to worry about budget carriers. I would think people who need to fly on their own tab a lot throughout the year (like I do) try to maximize points, price etc, without breaking their bank.

Amazon Prime Student maybe, but Twitch Prime comes with a full Amazon Prime account. Here are the details:

Not to heap on cynicism, but 99% of the democrats live in Miami. The rest of Florida is backwoods conservative.

I’m really sad that I feel OK with anyone from this administration simply not putting some stupid spin on this. Standards at an all time low..

I’m sure he’ll be in some sort of solitary. He wouldn’t survive, literally, a day in federal prison.

He deserves every bit of trolling he gets for the rest of his life, and then some.

It was a mistake to say out of touch with the Democratic party.

The US democrats are centrists here at best, and in most of the world, quite conservative.

So funny how one word means all the difference in the world.

Preach. We need to educate people on what _really_ happens when you implement such a system. I have no idea how our culture got so extreme black and white.

Not to sound too cold, come and go all the time. Any plan this disruptive should have programs in place to make the transition easier and not too quick/harsh, but “loss of jobs” still shouldn’t prevent change from happening.

This is what plenty of other countries (considered “socialist” by Americans here) have, so I am not inherently opposed.

Because people can’t put together that even with paying higher taxes, the overall savings we’d have by having insurance and healthcare prices reduces would be a win.

Higher taxes to them = bad, all the time. Full stop.

Really? I argue there was a large contingent of people who voted Trump that are truly too stupid and ignorant. These same people all tend to double down on said stupidity when backed into a corner (ie, nobody gave a fuck about building a wall before 45 was whispered this idea as a lark).

I can confirm.

Companies I am involved with are already taking steps to mitigate the loss of EU audiences, as they plan to just cut the cord.