This was my thought as a freelance sportswriter who got forced to get a “real job” after the Facebook marketing bubble burst and the market dried up.
This was my thought as a freelance sportswriter who got forced to get a “real job” after the Facebook marketing bubble burst and the market dried up.
Boohoo. Figure out a way to deal with it just like anyone else that’s ever worked.
Sounds like streamers are getting a dose of what pretty much every working adult runs into from time to time company mergers that result in layoffs. I get that they are losing their “jobs” as entertainers, but their show just got cancelled so they have to job hunt for another one. And having burnt a bridge with a…
You clearly only know the sanitized “self-designed” biography of Edison and not the full, REAL history of the man. The sum total of his ‘contributions’ to humanity can be listed thusly: intellectual-labor camps, patent trolling, and subverting better technologies for personal gain. Edison invented nothing. He paid…
Played it for a few minutes and I then I popped my Skyrim cartridge back in.
You only make 300 a week as a mechanic?
“Delta says it will re-accommodate passengers whose travel has been impacted by the service suspensions.”
I’m all for organically-created player-driven events, especially when developers end up supporting them, but this is just yet more encouragement for players to purposefully act like dicks and grief total strangers, something whichGTA Online sadly has plenty of already.
Flipside is with all the time at home you can ditch the convenience and go back to doing things that were normal before premade foods and sauces were common.
Would be more realistic if they were preparing for a 20-year depression that eliminates the United States' status as an influential superpower forever.
you seemed to have missed the number 1 thing to do;
I mean, it is optional in the sense that you can put it down and play something else.
It’s going to be basically everybody before too long.
Frankly, we’ll be the world leader in deaths, secondary fatalities, personal bankruptcies, economic destruction, and long term recession due to our incredibly fucked up healthcare system and this joke of an administration.
You Americans and your funny illusions of freedom. You may be armed against the tyranny of government (a threat which isn’t really that significant in the civilised world right now) but you’ve disarmed yourselves against corporate tyranny (a threat which is significant). You’ve become so myopic about the government…
Things like that are why I stay a fan of media properties without getting involved in the fan dumb of the property.
Remember how in old Trek shows, they would use logic and science to study problems?
It’s Simone De Beauvoir, not De Bouvier. Please criticize responsibly by getting the names right.