
That makes more sense. Beyonce is so...2008? 2009?

Is that Beyonce? Because it really looks like her.

You raise an interesting point regarding just how popular those 170,000 apps are with consumers. I imagine most people stick with apps in the top several hundred, with a small percentage using the rest. But then again there wouldn't be that many apps if there aren't people to use them. Maybe iOS users like variety? I

I agree, Mr. Cook's lying through his diamond-coated teeth.

I've yet to see one, but I'd like to.

Well at least tell us why.

Now stand still so I can smite you.

TSA Agents...They're a cruel kind.

I think the laser would penetrate everything and detect that something nasty.

Solids are scanned just like they've always been. I believe this is liquids only.

It's difficult to put a step by step guide on getting out of or into or just controlling a social interaction in any way, there are just too many variables . I see this as more of a reminder to not be an jerk when you give your response.

Perhaps it's just swimming?

Regardless of what sort of blog this is, it doesn't mean you own morality/common sense should change, should it?

*Five minutes later*

That last bit's hilarious.

Don't be fooled, that's Sheldon undercover.

If by incredible potential you mean the lack of hangovers after a good night I'm all for genetic modification.

Joke: something said or done to provoke laughter.

Not sure if sarcastic...But I can tell you it's not blocked in the capital.

Cross your arms when you type, son.