
Because weezers comment is based on these being solid state, and theyre not. 

I’d rather see Haas sell to Andretti/Cadillac

My mistake on “SSD” typo, meant SS.

Youre confusing SSD batteries and dry batteries. Dry batteries have been around forever. SSD batteries whith their near zero charge time exist, but not commercialy and not without low cycle life due to crystal formation on the anode.

These arent “solid state” batteries. These are dry cell betteries which have been around forever. Theyre using the SSD nomenclature as a marketing ploy.

This site goes to great lengths to talk politics...

Horrible writing...accidental acclerator application happens all the time after a driver becomes disoriented as a result of an accident. To make it worse it was the jeep who actually did run away...

This is the real story, however as can be extrapolated from the tone of the article CC alarmism takes precedent.

being as light and nimble as possible is the goal, sportbikes do not need reverse. If you need reverse on a sportbike you should spend more time at the squat rack rather than the treadmill.

Yep, I had one 20 years ago and even then it wasnt worth it. Cracked exhaust manifold, vacuum leaks, broken ouptut shafts...

H1 Hummer Alpha

I think the rear just needs some love. like make the exhaust functional and do something with the hole where the transaxle is visible

He set the time.

Then they should have done the same thing for Biden. Suckers and losers was debunked, so was fine people.

No, hes obviously not perfectly mentally compentent. “end of quote”  just happened again yesterday. Meanwhile during the debate he tried arguing that its no big deal that migrants are raping and killing your daughters because your brother, sister, dad will rape you anyway.

Im not young, this isnt an over reaction. Hes unfit to run for another term let alone run this country. He’ll be replaced before the convention. MSM is all in on it.

I’m not sure what you mean by that.

Hummer EV should be on this list

Exactly, which makes what he said more commendable. Unlike your typical ceo and politician he put principals before money.

There was 0 back track because what he said originally is what he said now. Its the same stance Bane took. Paying him money isnt going to control what he says. I dont understand how thats a bad thing.