It’s still new tech stuff even if it is ‘just a rocket’. It’s the first fully reusable rocket, that is also only two-stage and also a super-heavy. They are iterating fast compared to normal progress in this industry. Artemis has been around for 8 years and they only have a single flight under their belt. Starship…
I fully anticipated Yuki to get the job but I fear it came down to sponsor politics. If Honda were going to be the engine supplier for RB moving forward, I think Yuki would have been promoted but, because Honda and Red Bull are splitting ways after 2025, he was snubbed.
Nobody is making you buy one.
Classic Jalop would have done 18 slides of the Cybertruck.
I will admit to having a soft spot for the Hummer EV - the Cybertruck has come along to supplant it as ride of choice for the aggro douchebag with too much money, so now it just feels like fun goofy overkill, like you need an 80's hair metal guitarist wielding a double-necked Flying V riding in the bed as your own…
Sounds like you don’t want to have to focus on your driving and are annoyed by anything that draws your attention away from your daydreaming.
Eeeeeeeeh... if you don't have your M endorsement, I'm going to assume you're not an experienced street rider. A Hayabusa is most definitely NOT a beginner bike. Please be safe out there!
—signed, Every Motorcyclist
When cruising always take a protractor. Many ignore this rule.
Doesn’t look close to anything like 45 degrees to me. I’ve grown up sailing and raced on all different kinds/sizes of sailboats. I’m sure it was terrifying, but you aren’t just walking around on a boat that’s heeled over at 45 degrees.
At least the 2026 cars are getting slightly smaller, along with their very weird active aero and engine deployment rules. Formula E can put on a decent Monaco race, so it’s not like it’s impossible for the track to be good.
Impossible. Elon invented the electric car, and certainly electronic door latches.
And I still can’t find anywhere he mentioned assassinating anyone.
Thought this was a car site...
but the law doesn’t care whether incentives for voter registration are partisan or not. They’re illegal
An airplane must be strong enough to be fully structurally sound unpressurized. If not, it would structurally fail if it decompressed or at low altitudes where there is little to no pressure differential.
the clickbaity headline reeks of “nutrition health” tik tok: “did you know salt contains chlorine, a poison used for cleaning swimming pools? do you really want to put that in your body?”
I definitely won’t go so far as to say anyone deserves to get hit by a car, but within the cycling community there exists a small minority who need to have some sense knocked into them
This is mostly a big no from me dawg. Teach people basic safety and not to stand in front of a moving vehicle or put themselves in front of a moving vehicle. Always look both ways before crossing a road and if it doesn’t look like a vehicle is going to stop, don’t walk in from of them. A little bit of personal…