
hard to breath with a vehicle on you...

I thought this was a car website? Why no stories about when Hideaki Otaka was sued for sexual harrasment?

Yep, I like Checo but I was hoping Sainz got his seat.

Its not 1/8th of a second though, how hard is that to understand? Aircraft latency is 0.06s, based on the processor speed of 30hz when the system was first developed. The latency of the CT is only dependent on software dampening, and is only limited by output activation.

Yes, lag from end of input to end of output, thats not the same as latency. I have a typo on the RZ, thats actual latency. What the CT is demonstaring is either dampening or actuator lag. when the input changes the CT responods instantly.

Look at the link theyre citing. Its not, its calling out the actuators inability to keep up with the input, not the actual latency, input to start of movement time. The RZ number is actual lag.

This story is specifically calling out this scenario, not actual latency, ie the reversal of input vs corresponding output.

Show me an elevator or rudder that goes lock to lock as quickly as the pilot.

The latency is better than aircrafts’ fly by wire systems. Also failed to mention is that the trucks stability control system will damper driver inputs as needed during a correction event, any delay would be imperceviable by the driver.

I thought community notes pegged this as misinformation? He wasnt using FSD but was using autosteer?

and 3.5M were allowed last year

Jalopnik is so woke that God is referred to as “them”

Another shortsighted clickbait article title...

So undo what Tonga just did...

This is just another hit piece. Gizmodo is owned by Fusion which is openly left wing and anti Elon.

crazy...i can only find the retraction of the original source. You should keep an open mind, all isnt always what it seems.

Please share where, because if thats really the case then Musk should be tried for treason.

apparently you are a mindreader, as youre assuming the ukranians knew beforehand if starlink covered crimea or not.

If that were the case then why hasnt anyone from Ukraine or the pentagon refuked Elons position?

Well heres your source with redaction: