Why score a goal yourself when you can just find a way to get the puck into the goalie’s gear and have him carry it…
Why score a goal yourself when you can just find a way to get the puck into the goalie’s gear and have him carry it…
the recumbent bicycle kick
I’m so glad we got Bruce Arena to push our team forward. He was clearly what this team needed to move to the next level. His player development and team selection is fantastic and he is a great tactical coach.
Oh how I missed you, Tommy Smyth.
Let’s figure this out together.
As they should; he sounds like a winner.
To each his own, I guess. I think he should have made a different choice. I recognize though that younger folks, especially Arizonans, might not look at it as as much of a disgrace as those who grew up in my era.
I’ve seen a lot of changes in my many years, and though I like to think I’m open to most of them, I hesitantly say My-King Johnson is not someone I or most of you should support.
I believe that is what they’re thinking but how stupid is that.
I think your assessment of women’s MMA is accurate, but the Tiger analogy is silly. There was heaps of competition during his ~10 year run.
This is even more touching when you know that Nacional fans have a bit of a reputation for hooliganism and violence that puts anything in Europe to shame.
Geez. Even the refs don’t watch WNBA games.
It just brings out the men that laugh at women’s sports. So...probably.
Is posting about this some sort of Deadspin inside joke that I don’t get?
Yes, but Hope Solo would have draped a pastrami curtain up, and saved them all in PK’s
I hope they loot your cul-de-sac
U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.