
I do not follow makeup stuff, but I swear I’ve been reading about Jeffree Star making bigoted comments way more recently than 12 years ago. I thought there was a whole thing where Kat von D apologized for helping his brand get started. Is that a different YouTube makeup star? or is Jeffree Star being disingenuous by

So here’s a rule to follow everyone: If someone offends a group of which you are not a part of, it is not up to you to decide when people should get over it or accept the apology.

Yeah! I think that when it’s appropriate, this kind of restorative justice is really the only way to combat racism long term.

He and his parents should have to pay for the entire installation to be replaced - and issue an apology. What scum are among us.

The rules for quarantine and bringing animals in and out of a country are there for very good reasons. Especially in a place like Australia that is geographically isolated. You can’t break them because you’re rich and want your dogs with you.

Forming a mob and beating up a minority while wearing white power/nationalist/sumpremacist regalia is being a fucking Nazi.

That’s so terrible, she worked really hard for that accountancy degree. And you know she passed her CPA exam on first try. Well shit.

“Swift said in a statement following the verdict that she would donate an unspecified amount of money to unspecified organizations that aid in the defense of sexual assault victims.”

She isn’t spotless, but I think she’s pretty fantastic.

The same way that so many reasonable, empathetic liberals come from bigoted conservative families, probably. They found an ideological system that resonated with them and rejected their family’s input.

And you don’t find that statement patronizing or derogatory in any way?

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

“That’s some good Kinja Lou.”

this is where it gets messy. labor laws compelled Google to act when coworkers complained he had created a hostile work environment, and his intent in creating that environment is sort of not the point.

Bullshit. Women were coders long before men. Only when it became a job worthy of a higher salary did it suddenly become a job best suited for men. Men made sure women knew they were not welcome and marketed everything computer and tech to fathers and sons. In some other countries, women make up half the college

It doesn’t take an expert, just a police force that isn’t bent on letting white supremacists run amok and do whatever the fuck they want. For starters, seeing the Nazis file in brandishing weapons like brass knuckles and billy clubs should have been a giant fucking clue that this shitshow should have been shut down

Fuck that. I’m a big proponent that the first amendment is the most important one we have. But this blind adherence that free speech means tolerating even vile, hateful rhetoric is how we ended up with yesterday.

It’s a sad day when the President of the United States became a Nazi sympathizer.

Was someone arrested for something they said? No? Then no ones freedom of speech was violated in any way.

On the other hand fuck this racist piece of shit. And fuck you too.