
REALLY? Ah man, go listen to some Bright Eyes. Conor Oberst is great.

Wide awake.

No. The story about the false rape accusation was reported on Jez when it originally happened. So it makes sense to report on this interview. In addition, here is a man who was falsely accused of rape but still takes the time to express empathy for women who are raped and discomfort at the thought of his story being

Oh snap. Well, I never heard of this lad before, but now I like him even more ;)

Yeah I read this interview earlier and remain very impressed with my former crush. When things had to move to trial he wanted any money he won to be given to women’s shelters and anti-abuse resources. He ID’d as feminist before that word had any cache for music artists and followed through very much. He was super

I feel like the lede here should be “Conor Oberst was falsely accused of rape, and OH HEY uses the opportunity when asked about it to be publicly compassionate toward women who’ve been assaulted.”

I have a lot of female friends, but my sister never did. Come to think of it she had very few friends. That is not somehow a marker that she is an untrustworthy person. Some people just find it hard to open up to people....everyone is not the same. My sister was always too intense to strike up casual conversation. Is


They actually do charge minors as adults when the offence they commit is serious enough.

I know these stories always bring out a bunch of ignorant assholes, but this, “Not all rape victims find it that upsetting” bullshit is unfuckingbelievable.

It really bums me out to say this, but I think you’re underestimating how much white people need racism. White voters’ willingness to screw themselves if there’s a chance to screw PoC at the same time is pretty much the basis for the continued success of conservative movements. And not just in the US.

Do you really want me to tell you that your stupid fantasy is stupid? Because I will.

I’m not going to eviscerate. I’ll just point out that Hillary Clinton’s platform basically reflected what you’ve proposed (although not a million dollars per coal miner).

I think your mistakes are that you assume that any of those things are brand new ideas or that they can be done without Republican support.

You’re suggesting that the best way to respond to white male emtitlement is to legally entrench that entitlement. It wouldn’t make them any less racist or sexist, and would probably give them (us, I’m a white man) yet more reason to feel justified in their racism and sexism.

I don’t want to eviscerate you, but I do disagree with your premise because the people you describe are just one contingent of the GOP base. For many of them, hating liberals and liberalism is so integral to their self-identity, they wouldn’t give it up for anything.

I too want young men to acheive their goals. I don’t think allowing them to pretend a serious violent crime they committed is consequence-free. Not only is it harmful to the larger community, I don’t believe it serves him either.
Furthermore, the victim involved lives in the same shithole, and yet your concern for

but you are apologist for him.

Whether or not he served his time is irrelevant. Serving time doesn’t expunge your record nor make you suitable for whatever endeavor you so desire. Sportball enthusiasts love to talk about “character on and off the field” - yet here we are excusing yet another young man for assaulting a woman because he happens to be

LOL, so he “served” his time, he is free, back to school, back to rape someone again. so what, he will lose few more years, rape few more woman, but yes, he is a victim now, is that what are you trying to say?