You inspire me <3
You inspire me <3
I like that they tried to make the fact that she acted like a professional after the fact some indication that she didn’t mind. Look at the picture. She’s a fucking pro. This guy’s scum.
People: Don’t coddle men. Don’t entertain their mediocrity anymore. Don’t indulge them their obtuse, willfully ignorant questions about ANYTHING they could figure out for themselves with a basic google search. Especially don’t do it on articles regarding sexual assault, where the majority of us has specific trauma and…
In response to his reply about why Swift didn’t react, I got a dozen men calling me slurs and saying the shit Swift suffered wasn’t abuse but the way I responsed to some dope on the internet certainly was.
You’re not a bitch and we love you. Keep it up girl, we’re coming with you.
He should be piled on. The question isn’t badm the forum is bad. This isn’t a pace for him.
Male fragility.
Why did you allow yourself to be scolded? I know if I were in your place, I wouldn’t allow for such treatment.
The thing that’s getting me about this is this dude has been a Jez commenter for almost as long as I have - close to ten years. He should fucking know better.
I cannot fucking believe the people of Wisconsin voted for this man over Russ Feingold. TWICE.
Ron Johnson’s position is baffling to me. He seemed to be picking objections from the left and right side of the argument and demanding changes unrelated to those objections. I will never understand how this lightweight defeated Russ Feingold twice.
This man is a fucking tool and most of his state finds him completely deplorable. I still cannot believe that some of these total idiots fooled anyone into voting for them - but Drumpfsterfire...
Ron Johnson was one of the four who said he would never vote for “skinny repeal” unless Paul Ryan could guarantee him that it would not become law. Ryan said he could not guarantee any such thing, so Johnson immediately said, “Okeydoke” and voted for it anyway.
And plenty of people sure indulged him in that too. We’ve got to stand up for ourselves better and be more vigilant in calling out the obvious bullshit. I just hope me being a total bitch makes other women feel it’s ok (and NECESSARY!) to be one as well. We’ve got to look at the real tools at our disposal, and shaming…
Leave Ron Johnson alone. His comments may have been affected by the fact that he’s quite stupid and that might have factored in.
I’m disappointed in the coddling responses. Guys like this should be shamed and ridiculed.
If that was a scolding then your parents were very kind, lol.
At least other religions have their basis in the bronze age and can be understood as explaining natural phenomena and the human condition. I don’t see any of that with DC-10s flying into volcanoes.
I can’t say how much I love Leah’s work on Scientology. She’s really great at telling the human impact. She’s so good at this. And fucking yes there should be a federal investigation. But we barely even have a federal government, at the moment.
Leah Remini is a goddamn hero and her show was absolutely riveting - far closer to a documentary than anything “reality-ish”.