I feel I need to remind that no matter what this goes both ways. Just like there are plenty butthurt BernieBros out there, there are just as many Clinton supporters who think she was perfect and completely infallible.
I feel I need to remind that no matter what this goes both ways. Just like there are plenty butthurt BernieBros out there, there are just as many Clinton supporters who think she was perfect and completely infallible.
“but what i’ve been reading here really smacks of weighing one life more than others, and even if the right is doing it, I’m not going to.”
Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.
All of this. If Sanders wants to have a lasting legacy, how about mentoring some young folks (35+ so they can run for president) so they can either create a third party of Progressives or pull the Dems to the left? Sanders is a glory hound who needs to let go and help the younger generation come up.
I’d argue experimenting on this baby could be likened to torture.
I also argue that none of us KNOW what we would do in this situation, no matter how much we protest these parents anonymously.
I’m sorry that having a strong conviction about one of the biggest ethical questions of our day frightens you so much. You do not have a monopoly on watching a loved one suffer and die, and you don’t get to make me feel like I’m doing something wrong by accepting that death comes to all of us and making peace with…
It’s just awful. I feel terrible for the team at GOSH who are watching this child suffer with their hands tied, while being vilified in the press.
No, it’s an argument for experimenting on Charlie. There is no life for this kid; not now, and not at the theoretical 10% improvement. So the only thing this treatment will do is what you’ve inadvertently laid out: provide more data for doctors that can be applied towards cures/treatments down the road. And frankly…
Bravo. Let’s all get real, there is no War On Bernie, and he’s not being persecuted. And the DNC is not our biggest enemy right now.
I understand that you have a personal connection to this case and I don’t mean to diminish your experience at all.
I honestly don’t think it’s a tough one. Best case scenario is he lives but never has a life. These parents are selfish as fuck.
“... the experimental nucleoside treatment that has had some results with children who suffer from Charlie’s condition”
He is not a Democrat. Therefore, he should not be the Democratic presidential nominee.
All of this. And if I hear another bro try to tell me he marched with King, I’m throwing hands.
Sanders isn’t going to happen because his coalition is white men with beards and white men without beards.
The numbers aren’t on your side Bro. Let me clue you in to a little reality called “The electoral college.” Are you telling me that you think Bernie would have won Florida, with his love of Fidel Castro? Yeah, I am sure the Republcan Party would have never made an issue of that. That is just one issue among many. He…
“Clinton lost- get over it! It’s that simple!”
You are...not nearly as informed about recent events as you think you are.