This may not be a popular opinion but . . .
This may not be a popular opinion but . . .
In the US we call death panels “Insurance companies” and we make damn sure they’re insanely well paid to fuck people over.
HUGS. And the line that had me in tears was “without fear.” Please take comfort in what you were able to do for her. It’s all any of us want for the people we love. And I am so very sorry for what must be profound suffering.
I understand the impulse to project the tragic outcome of this story onto your own circumstances and react accordingly, but this story is literally built on quotes from medical experts saying they’ve basically already done “everything humanly possible to try to save them”.
It is heart breakungly sad. I had a very sick child, no prospect of getting better. Just. Life with more and more interventions. We let her go. There were many alternative treatments we could have tried. I didn’t want that for her. She deserved more than suffering through every moment of her life to be part of…
Oof. They have my deepest sympathies.
As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.
I get where the parents are coming from and there is a part of me that thinks what harm can come to let them take him to the US but after reading a little more, they wouldn’t be bringing him to the US for a cure. It would basically just extend his life but his quality of life would not get better. I don’t blame them…
Well, that’s the real issue here. Of course our desires as parents would be to try everything, but *our* emotional wants and needs shouldn’t be the priority in a decision like this. If we were the one in the hospital bed, many of us would prefer to just go with dignity instead of prolonging it all with experimental…
I hate the fact that all of this legal action is taking time away they could be spending with their little guy. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
Some of the most tragic cases ever heard about power of attorney have been when elderly parents sign control over to their children and the children keep the parent(s) alive beyond their previously discussed wishes because they can’t bear to say goodbye to them. It’s illogical (they’re gonna die anyway), cruel…
And her lawyer’s brother? Her lawyer probably knew a lot more sick details the public didn’t know and he was like “yeah bro she’s a real winner, put a ring on it!!!!”
Ok, Karla. We get it—you are using his abuse as a get-out-of-all-responsibility-for-your-actions card.
“i spread the censored word and wrote the wikipedia!”
I’m now getting super creepy Karla fanboy vibes.
The fact remains that Paul Bernardo dated a number of other women, and she’s the only one who encouraged his sexual sadism. He really lucked out in finding this peach.
I’ve met a number of nurses who hold a lot of bizarre beliefs that fly in the face of the fundamental principles they put into practice in their work. I don’t know how the trend tracks compared to the rest of the general population,’s weird. And I’m sorry. And birth control should be just as available as…
Terrifying your mom, who takes care of sick people, has bought into the “chemical” nonsense.
“overall intelligent” I’d rethink that.
When the Vice President is BASICALLY a fire-and-brimstone, no-dancing-in-this-town, calls-his-wife-mother-SUPER CONSERVATIVE asshole...
Those women are out there. They tend to be the self-hating kind that says “we can’t have women with too much power. Lord knows how hangery I get when lunch comes around *snickers at own joke*.” Also they probably refer to wine as something ridiculous like “Jesus Juice.”