One side was clearly more enthusiastic that a racist, sexist asshole was running this time around. Just like more people were enthusiastic about electing & re-electing Obama.
One side was clearly more enthusiastic that a racist, sexist asshole was running this time around. Just like more people were enthusiastic about electing & re-electing Obama.
Oh sure, mommy issues played a HUGE role in it as well. See the “Sanders would have won” faction.
The white backlash to having a black man running the country the past 8 years was all but inevitable to be honest.
I don’t think it ever was. I’ve been smoking pot since high school and have never touched another drug that wasn’t prescribed to me by an overzealous doctor.
Funny I’d say the same thing to you buddy.
great. kind of like how racism doesn’t exist unless someone is calling for a lynch mob? got it.
The problem is, which hntergren is he wasn’t listening to anything we were saying. And yeah the people who are part of the group being marginalized should have a little more weight to their opinions thrown around. Holy fuck you guys sure are defensive. I’m just glad the editor seemed to have gotten it.
how fucking stupid are people?
Personal attacks? Come on now. I very politely pointed out why many of us feel slighted by articles like this. You’re the one who dismissed any concerns plenty of other women informed you of. I haven’t made any assertions other than you are another clueless dude who refuses to listen to women when they tell you…
oh wow. Fuck you.
Dude you just suck pretty hard here. You sound just like a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” type and it isn’t pleasant. Nobody is going to stop women from pointing out ways in which we are negatively affected by sexism but that’s exactly what you want from us. Nope. Get the fuck out of here with that. All you…
You’re fucking horrible at being “kinder.” Look I get it you want to be a smarmy fuck & disagree with people voicing a valid concern but I don’t have any use for this.
No you said it’s wrong. Not ham fisted or clumsy. So don’t be an asshole because you didn’t understand my intention right away.
Of course a bunch of bros in tech don’t think this is a big deal. There’s one idiot downthread saying all the women in tech he works with are treated fairly & their work speaks for them. lol for days.
You clearly are reading far too much into the comparison I made. Blackface is something EVERYONE fucking knows is bad but every year we have some clueless fuckface do it anyway & feign ignorance. I’m saying someone so devoted to Tech issues should already fucking know how a group of mostly white men being called “the…
So because you deal with bullshit everyone else should just shut the fuck up? Yeah that’s not how it works in my world. More power to you if that’s how you want to live your life.
I see. You have opinions. I do too.
lol okay. the fact that you think this is just about comfort tells me all I need to know about conversing with you.
It may not be on the same level of offense but it absolutely is similar.
It’s absolutely a micro aggression. These little things add up & contribute to this asinine idea that women aren’t smart enough for STEM fields. It’s important to bring this to the attention of those with the power to make changes.