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    This person is super gross.

    Regardless of the reasons it really fucking pisses me off that people who claim to be progressive think they have a right to speculate on someone’s sexuality. Rodgers has never been a macho dude bro type of person so he must be gay? Those people need to go fuck themselves.

    You like stereotyping women a lot huh?

    Please compare that to the number of rapists that don’t even see a courtroom.

    Considering Melania bragged in an interview that Baron has fired “the help” I’m comfortable in saying he’s a spoiled rotten shithead already and will only get worse as he grows up.

    Asshole is a nice descriptor because both sexes have one.

    Exactly. No one would be giving him a pass if he started calling her racial slurs. Sexism is acceptable in this country.

    You must work in my office.

    I think there are a million ways to raise a happy child. Attachment parenting (AP) would make me miserable & how good of a mom would I be if I was literally hating everything? There really isn’t a ton of research that AP is superior. In fact depression tends to be higher in women who practice AP. If it works for your

    A certain type of progressive, usually men but women can be too. They refuse to believe anything negative about Bernie. Especially the variety that insist Bernie would have won (he wouldn’t have).

    Since this crybaby asshole dismissed my reply to him. I’m going to reply here. This is directed at looklearn1223:

    Again. Why isn’t there a massive push to find something better for women? As I said: I had my mirena removed because it made me suicidal. Guess who had to research & ask for the removal? Me. 

    wrong. Actually JAMA Psychiatry published a study recently conducted in Denmark that shows there is possibly a link. Wonder why there isn’t a massive warning about this? Most doctors don’t seem to think birth control could be the problem. I had my mirena removed because it made me suicidal. Guess who had to research &

    People are sometimes in abusive relationships dipshit.

    Except for female birth control. A study just equated birth control pills with an increased likelihood of depression in women who use them.

    Fuck you. I just had my Mirena removed because it had been causing me extreme depression after I had my first baby. Attempted twice, hospitalized twice. Why is this acceptable for women to risk their fucking lives? It’s bullshit.

    lol when’s the last time anyone has talked about Occupy WallStreet? It’s not 2012.

    I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure they met in Chicago.

    See also: Women who swoon over guys being a good dad. Do you think moms ever get thought of as sexy when they are parenting?

    no snark, this was really sweet. thank you.