
I know you mean well. But it’s not a grammar error. You think that people allow assault to happen, and that’s victim blaming.

I’m sorry, did someone mention you by name or did my comment hit a little too close to home?

Quit being a fucking baby and take responsibility for your stupid fucking language you use. Get the fuck out of here and read some basic fucking gender theory 101 before you decide to get your wittle feelings hurt over someone questioning why you ask such inane and basic fucking questions.

What’s commonly referred to as the “fight or flight” response is more accurately termed “fight, flight, or freeze.” Many victims of assault experience a state akin to temporary paralysis called tonic immobility. The “freeze” option is part of a nervous system response over which the victim has virtually no control.

If that was a scolding then your parents were very kind, lol.

Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.

He is seeking at least $3 million.

I don’t understand how he’s even trying to sue for anything. Look at the picture. Best case scenario: his hand is over her dress, on her ass. Worst case scenario: his fingers are slipped under her dress, on her bare ass.

Look, I am the biggest GG fan ever, but she is the worst actress. The WORST. She is beautiful. And nice, I’m sure. Smart probably! But... worst.

Ooh, I’ll bet she has to use both of her facial expressions for this role.

She’s going to ruin The Handmaid’s Tale. I’m disappointed. She’s going to stiffly mumble-squeak her way through all of Ofglen’s dialogue.

Still seriously disappointed in the choice of Elizabeth Moss (Scientologist) for Offred. :/

Sorry to be an oddball and reply to an old comment, but I wanted to tell you that I hope you won’t take your Twitter unfollow from a certain someone personally (and didn’t want to drum up further drama on Twitter). That person worships Kanye West and you are hardly the first person she has unfollowed for referring to

They don’t pay less attention. They just don’t say what those people want to hear. Which is, you’re super special and will never have to change in order to maintain your way of life. The republicans message is that economic justice is a zero sum game and change is scary. And the underlying assumptions of white

People who voted for a racist just get a pass? You’re not being honest. You’re not engaging in debate.

Did you seriously just “both sides do it” us here?

I thought those people were so gung ho about not being “PC” when it came to calling the president a nigger. Now they want to curb language that others may find offensive? They can go fuck themselves. These people also spent 8 years calling liberals “libtards”.

Lol this meme. I thought Trumpanzees hated PC culture and preferred it when people tell it like it is.

I don’t call them deplorables. I call them fucking racists, because that’s what they are. I hope their lives are ruined by their orange, poor man’s Hitler.

I can’t even dirt bag. I’m still too sad today.