The low-grav versions of the early builds of dewrito reminded me of how much fun it was to play the original Unreal Tournament with low-grav on “Lava-Giant”
The low-grav versions of the early builds of dewrito reminded me of how much fun it was to play the original Unreal Tournament with low-grav on “Lava-Giant”
This weekend was another shot for the new look of Evil Geniuses to prove itself. While the team’s run up to the…
It’s Monday,and I don’t have my contacts in,and I legit thought that was called a Nissan Horny;here I’d thought the Geely Beauty Leopard was the oddest name for a car I’d seen,and thought “well,that tops that!”
I think I may be the unicorn of my neighborhood. I have a 1990 Nissan Homy
I will get shit for this, but I’m going against the grain here — The RAGE engine is really showing its age with this. Between crazy moments of expressiveness, the faces look slack and lazy, without any naturalness to them. The shadows all seem to have pixelation. The actual animations of most of the characters don’t…
Weird. Coulda sworn kouta hirano worked purely with madhouse. You have to explain exactly what a “sakuga standpoint” is and why exactly it matters. I personally think that Drifters has a far superior and more creative style to it. One punch man is unique, sure but unique doesnt necessarily mean better.
Drifters was done by it’s an offshoot of Graphinica not Madhouse. You then implied Drifters is a better looking production than One Punch Man. Which is completely wrong from a purely sakuga viewpoint. I am very confused.
This is the case with me and LoL. Haven’t played in years, still keep up with development and competitive ends.
I bet everyone on the team just wants senpai to notice their play.
This is so fucking stupid
Kellyanne Conway confirmed that Trump is a great golfer. In fact, she referred to his last win as The Putting Green Masacre.
This is not universally true. Many games tie their physics engine into the frame rate. Some actually base certain mechanics on frames as well. In dark Souls, for example, your immunity while rolling is frame-based, not time-based. By going from 30 fps to 60 fps, you reduce your timing window by half (animations are…
Actually Rob, for games where the physics engine is tied to the frame rate, it would have a negative impact on performance. Not all games work like this (usually lazier coding involved as I understand it), but you are in fact incorrect.
Older games that based their timing off of specific Hz output or specific frame timing can have the issues he’s talking about. It’s not too common now though as everything is based off elapsed time, with the only modern example I’ve found of frame timing being Sonic 4 Episode 2.
Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.
This is like when a friend of mine got really angry about DOTA 2 ripping off League of Legends. Even once I explained how very wrong she was, she couldn’t shift the dislike.
I would’ve placed EG’s TI6 megacreep dagon gambit ahead of this moment, but yours is probably more relevant since they’re teams we’ll be directly be seeing compete in 2017! I’m so pumped for Dota this year!!
Never have I more heartily cosigned a sentiment.