You seem like an old Deadspin commentor. Excellent post really.
Do you do this alot?
Why does the front look so close to that of a Mach-E? Is there some aerodynamics at play that just require that shape?
I mean I get being cynical, but GSC is based out of Kyiv made the game is made by Ukrainian developers. Its not like they are in another country trying to cash on in the Ukraine support.
“is an incel protagonist living in poverty”
You have no idea what you are talking about. Somehow a shonen manga is too high brow for you
This is a garbage take. The Chimera Ant arc is near perfect representation of the Shonen genre at its best.
Its Maryland. There is no other answer.
Eva has always been sexually charged product in both story and fan service. It’s actually integral to the theme of the show. I have to assume you knew this prior to rewatching 1.0 and have seen the TV show and movie?
Thanks for typing up the paragraph but you’re being overly defensive about this. Which makes sense after reading that drivel above. You don’t even know how illiterate you are on the subject. It is simply not worth my time type why you are wrong. As you said above “Begone, troll. This conversation is over.”
You really don’t have an eye for animation I guess. Oh well
Sonny Boy didn’t catch your eye?
Except for the fact last season was one the most amazing seasons I have ever seen. Packed to the brim with good content.
Nah Wano has been outstanding. Toei brought in a brand new team when the arc started. The anime does the Oden flashback better than the manga does.
Madoka Magica: Rebellion
It was the perfect movie going experience. Every single person in the audience was emotionally synced. Ill never forget the pure silence and the gasps when the film reached its final climax. Chills. I will probably never experience anything like that again.
I can’t believe people are making this argument still. Pop-punk has always been a thing. Get over it.
Considering their origin and creation is scummy as fuck. This stuff never surprises me. Obligitory fuck Pendragon.