“I usually try not to feed the greys”
“I usually try not to feed the greys”
Well, he’s not Poor Rodriguez.
See this needs to be the key distinction. No one thinks that the Browns or Lions were trying to lose. Oh no, they were trying to win and still went 0-16. That takes a far more convincing degree of bad. Having the head coach in on it and running vanilla stuff that opposing teams can spot, limiting what’s installed…
Should’ve kept him away from Joe Namath.
They also have the National Aquarium
And most (all?) of John Waters’ films.
You are clearly disrupting the green tea and wellness spaces. Where can I send my bitcoin to invest?
You attempts to sound smug have only outed you as the real buffoon here. How can you not believe in Bill Belichick and Tom Brady?
I assume he didn’t want to risk an injury that would prevent him from giving his post-game press conference in the really cool hat he had picked out.
You spoiled the end of GoT with your username. Hypocrite.
+1 taking me along when you slide on down
No, we can’t talk at all.
He should switch his accountant.
It’s not that complicated. It’s just the F-111 all over again.
In all honesty, I served five years at Enterprise. I still have PTSD and wake up from nightmares about it being the Friday before a holiday and we’re all out of minivans.
There’s something different about him compared to most sprinters. He seems...scrappier? Like he really works hard to be as good as he is and doesn’t just coast on his talent.
Also, Bob Saget admitted that he sucked dick to get his kid into college.
The Hallmark movie about this scandal starring Lori Loughlin is gonna slap, though.
So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?
Richardsons first check will bounce even higher.