
Yeah, asparagus in the microwave is almost bullet-proof. Which makes me batshit crazy because I’ve prepared it in all manner of steamers, pots, and other bric-a-brac that should have done a better job. Wrap the asparagus in a damp paper towel and place on a plate. Hit the timer for a 3 minute cook and damned if it

“I am being 100% sincere in my inquiry so, I believe your hostility is misplaced”

The only difference being that Chechnya has a Muslim majority doing this.

lifelong Seattleite here, not sure what Murray has done for the city that was so great. Homelessness and low income housing are a disaster here, city council is about to vote on a 2% low income housing requirement for large developers and feel great about it, $15/hour was chosen as a vote, and the state legislature

WHEN the hell will the statute of limitations on rape and sexual assault be lifted across the board?? Why is this still even a thing??

The ax vs. ask thing can be traced back to Chaucer. It’s not really a mispronunciation. From the source article:

Do any of you grow your own ginger?I take a knuckle or two, shove them in a large flower pot and keep the soil damp. For weeks,... nothing, and then all of a sudden there are shoots and a rather attractive plant. Later in the summer, I reach into the soil, grab a root and break off a chunk of fresh ginger. I also

I’m just excited to get my herb garden going again, and growing hot peppers and tomatoes again.

Kate does not suck in any key. Tobey, however, is a stage-one clinger and creepy as fuck. Other than that, this recap is spot-on.

does it come with any sort of iron clad guarantee that it’s not communicating how often i’m removing hair where i’m removing it from?

does it come with any sort of iron clad guarantee that it’s not communicating how often i’m removing hair where i’m

If you guys like modcloth but don’t want to shop there due to recent acquisition, check out They are a small shop based in Lincoln, Nebraska but are so fucking cool and have a similar selection as modcloth.

Given that most items I’ve ordered from Modcloth turned out to be cheap fast-fashion garbage made in overseas sweatshops hidden behind an overly-twee name (seriously, what is WITH their item names?), this isn’t a complete surprise. But it still sucks — I just started shopping there and I’ve gotten some super adorable

I live in Massachusetts. Boiled dinner is like, at least monthly in the winter and early spring.

Briskets were cheap (like, $4 for 2lb flats) last weekend and I’m experimenting with some brines and cabbage methods. Most of all I love hash and eggs, which is what these three little bastards are going toward.

The big

I’ve won a handful of first place ribbons and a best in show for pie at the county fair and have a thought about this. The actual enemy to a flaky crust isn’t the moisture content, in my experience, but whether the fat in the crust has formed into streaks in the dough. If you knead the dough, you’ll get a tough

I usually use a shortcrust pastry when I am making a tart, such as pastry cream with fruit and a glaze. The key though is you want to melt and paint a thin layer of chocolate on the inside of the crust before adding the pastry cream. It doesn’t need to be tempered in this case.

He screams for ice cream

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

Yay!!! I didn’t do every challenge last year, but I really enjoyed the ones I did participate in. It was encouraging to feel like I was part of a larger community of like-minded folks.

yeah, it seems a little silly to sous vide rice. it’s like trying it with paste. Like, just why? it’s something that cooks fast at high heat, with a cooking mechanism that is more about starch and hydration than it is about denaturing proteins.

Oh... you fancy now? Pants optional from the start!