
So, what should we do? Should we adopt their tools? Should we accuse Franken’s accusers of being paid political liars? Should we demand that they apologize for him for hurting his career? Should we shout “Fake news!” and go pull the lever for a known creep?

And here we have another person condoning sexual assault as long as they’re democrats.

As one of the pussies, I’m just fine with a party that’s welcoming to us for a change. Both parties have been throwing women to the wolves for decades. What do you think happens to staffers who resign and interns whose biggest learning experience is that the statehouse isn’t a safe place for them?

I’ve been so confused by the prevalence of the, “But mom,” reaction, especially since there’s not even a seat at risk. The Republicans don’t have one up on the Democrats if their party is full of harassers and creeps and ours holds its members to a minimal standard of conduct. That’s a good thing for us. It means the

This, by far, BY FAR, is the worst ‘apology’ statement out of the whole canon of ‘I’m sorry if anyone thinks they were hurt by the things I remember differently. I’m going to go away for a little while, because I need to make myself believe again that I’m awesome - so awesome I don’t need to rape!’ apologies.

“I’m going to be just fine.” Truer words have never been spoken. Don’t worry about Al Franken because he will be just fine. Just like every other fucking privileged white man. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Weinstein makes a comeback tour in a few years.

I don’t think feminism demands you immediately doubt the important men in your lives, but you do need to be mindful that they may be guilty. And that sucks. And there is a difference between giving support and love to the men who are important to you in this situation and publicly calling the person who accused them

No one wants to believe that the men they love are capable of these things. And yet nearly every woman has experienced these things.... my grandfather was a good man. A respected man. A loved man. He was also the man who molested me. You can love the men in your life while still understanding that they are fallible

I can only speak for myself. I would not publicly support anyone accused of a crime until I had all the facts. Loved ones lie.

Becky and Chad woke up one morning with slightly higher insurance premiums and college debt and decided WE NEED TO FIX THIS SHIT RIGHT.

Obama, no. Joe “The Hands” Biden? Needs to apologize and quickly.

This guy’s not a household name so I Googled him, but what are you trying to tell me Google algorithm?

I’m also white and I think you’re an attention-seeking poser.

I don’t know why people would trust him after he tried to ruin Christmas.

Yes, you’re a terrible fucking person. Not that it matters, but the concept of “state voting” is ridiculous. Houston is one of the bluest spots in Texas, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the US and voted Clinton in 2016. We have an African American Democrat mayor and who was preceded by one of the first

I honestly don’t think Tig operates like that.

It looks like this and a walking curfew have been an ongoing thing for Ville Platte for years. Originally written as required after 10:00 PM, it now says after dark (as the article notes). Dusk on Tuesday was 8:07:47 PM. Doesn’t look like it’s available online, but I wonder when the 911 call came in. I’m hoping before

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

Then care about the next inmate these guards will help abuse and traumatize. Because it will continue if not stopped.

Unfortunately so many Americans view sexual abuse as part of serving time. I see people say with glee “Have fun getting raped in prison!” About convicts getting sentences. Especially if their crime involved children. We need prison reform today!